Friendly Lunch

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As I walk out of my class I look at the time on my phone and decide to go to the cafeteria on campus to get some lunch.

My walk was quick as the building my class was in was close to the cafeteria and I sigh happily to be getting something for lunch.

When I enter the cafeteria I immediately see L sitting at a table on his own, there are plenty of empty seats all around him that people are not using.

He doesn't seem to be paying much attention to anything around him as all he is focused on is eating the slice of cake in front of him.

I become curious about his choice of lunch and I walk over to him as I speak. "Are you eating cake for lunch?"

"Yes, I am." He speaks slowly, taking another small bite of the cake slice in front of him. I chuckle and lean on the seat across from him slightly.

"Is anyone sitting here?" I ask as I pull the chair out slightly. "No. No one else is sitting here." He replied, watching me slightly as you sit across from him.

As he looks back to his cake slice to take another bite I continue to observe him. "So, why cake for lunch? You've made me curious."

"You see... The sugar in chocolate helps with brain activity, which can be beneficial while studying. It helps me concentrate a bit more." He answers slowly as he takes another small bite of the slice.

I stare at him as he explains this and a smile forms on my lips. "I just think you like cake. You seem like the type to over explain something instead of outwardly showing your interest in something." I reply.

His body language shifts, a small smirk of amusement forms on his face as his gaze shifts to me again. "I do like cake, yes, but it does also help me concentrate better..."

His eyes scan me for a second as he hums out in thought. "Are you studying psychology perhaps? Most students studying that major come to conclusions about people like you just did."

"Kind of," I chuckle before continuing. "I'm a forensic studies major with a minor in psychology. So you had the right idea."

"I see.. That makes sense." The corners of his lips curl up into a more full on smile as his voice goes a bit more relaxed. He takes another bite of his cake.

"So, what is your guess on me? Besides thinking I just like cake." I'm taken aback slightly as he puts me on the spot.

I give him an awkward smile as I shrug. "Oh, I don't know. I usually observe someone more before I go into analyzing them." I reply as I see a curious look on his face.

He stays silent with the look on his face and I can only assume it's him saying he still wants to see what I can come up with about him.

"If I had to guess something based on my few observations I'd say you're probably top of your class, always have been in school."

I pause to think of anything else I can pick up from him. "Hmm, this one is probably obvious to anyone but you definitely like to be alone and work by yourself."

He doesn't seem offended when I start to make guesses about him, his eyebrows raise in slight surprise but it doesn't come across as negative.

He lets out a small chuckle as he listens to me further. His expression becomes less neutral as he finally responds.

"Those are all good observations. Yes, I am at the top of my class and I find myself more productive when I am by myself as well, rather than being with others."

I grin happily that I was correct and didn't just completely embarrass myself. "How about I test you now?" L suggests as I give him a puzzled look.

"You said you can tell a lot about someone by making observations right? Then let's see how much I can tell about you." He finishes

"Alright let's see what you can come up with about me." I say as I lean back in my seat slightly.

He places his thumb onto his lip as he glances around to think. "Well, for starters, you are a rather confident person right? You have no problem approaching people if you want something, however you still do not usually initiate conversation.

"You feel like if people wish to start talking to you then they are welcome to, if not then you do not mind as you just continue on with whatever you are doing."

I'm shocked at how well he can interpret people as well but I do my best not to show it as he continues.

"Let's see... You like to be prepared for everything, right? You prefer to plan out any little detail when you have to do something so you know what to expect."

I can't help but nod along as he continues. "It allows your mind to be at ease, knowing there is a clear path for you to follow and you will not be caught off guard by something."

"Hey you're better at this than I am." I laugh slightly indicating everything he guessed about me was correct.

"Hm. Right, I figured I was doing well so far. Let's see if I can keep it up." He leans forward slightly, shifting his body language to be a bit more curious.

"You are not a complete extrovert but you are also not a complete introvert either, it probably takes alot for you to become comfortable enough around others, to a point where you are relaxed around them, but once that happens you can become quite sociable. Is that accurate?"

I laugh again. "It's accurate. How are you so good at reading people? You're amazing at it."

He chuckles as well. "I believe it just comes from experience. People can be quite predictable in a way when it comes to certain actions, it is just figuring out how they do it."

After answering he takes another bite of his cake and I realize I never got lunch as my stomach begins to growl. "Hold that thought I just remembered I never ordered lunch."

I stand up from the table we're sitting at and quickly get in line to order a quick meal. He gives a quick nod and his gaze follows my figure as I walk towards the line.

I decided to just order a salad as it's simple and quick to eat, especially since my next class will be starting soon.

He glances at me as I sit back down across from him. He watches me for a few seconds before speaking.

"You just grabbed a quick lunch." He remarks softly, not really in a rhetorical manner but more of a neutral observation.

I nod as I check my phone for the time. "Yeah my next class is starting soon and since I forgot to get lunch earlier when I first got here I decided to just get this." I gesture to the salad as I start to pour the dressing on it.

"Is that your only class today?" I shake my head as he asks. "No, I had a class before this as well."

"Ah.. I see.." He pauses for a second as you pour the dressing onto the salad, he watches you for a second before speaking again. "You seem like you are a fairly busy person."

I glance up at him as I begin to mix my salad. "Yeah, some days are busier than others. I don't work today so that gives me a bit for free time at least."

"Mm. You work as well as studying? What a busy person you are.." He says with a soft chuckle. I blush slightly at the way he says that but my thoughts are quickly interrupted by an alarm on my phone going off.

I sigh as I close up my salad and turn off the alarm. "Well, that's my cue to start walking towards my class. Guess I'll eat in class." I mumble the last part.

"Alright." *He says calmly, he leans back on his chair slightly as you speak, giving you a small smile as you do. "Have fun in class (Y/N)."

"I'll try my best." I joke as I grab all my things and head out of the cafeteria. He's hot, he's really really hot and I barely even know him. I think to myself as I walk to class while taking bites of my salad to distract my racing mind.

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