you're pregnant and your morning sickness acts up in the car (requested)

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This is not at all how you pictured this drive to the airport going today.

Sitting in the back of the tiny cramped car with Taylor, you tried to take a few deep breaths and ignore how nauseous you were.

You're almost three months along in your pregnancy so far and even though you and Taylor are over the moon about it, you're struggling with morning sickness.

You had hoped that you'd feel better by now because you threw up a couple of times before you left the house.

But morning sickness doesn't work that way; the name itself is a huge lie when it comes at any time of the day, not just mornings.

"Are you okay, baby?" Taylor asked as she noticed how uncomfortable you seemed.

"Driver, can you please pull over?" You pleaded.

"I'll see if I can find a place soon." He replied.

"Do you feel sick again, darling?" She wondered as you squeezed your eyes shut and tried to breathe through the nausea.

But it was hard to do when the car was so hot and cramped.

You tried to focus on Taylor's hand brushing across your back in comfort but it wasn't helping to ease your anxiety.

It was just a matter of time until you were sick and you knew it wasn't much.

"Please pull over." You begged again.

But the driver didn't say anything in return.

You knew you weren't going to make it in time.

Your stomach was turning and your mouth was starting to water.

"Driver, please pull over somewhere. Even just on the shoulder of the road. She's going to be sick."

"Your flight leaves in ten minutes. If I pull over, you won't make it in time."

"I don't care! She comes first." Taylor argued.

"I can't." You whined and shifted around in discomfort.

Taylor tried to call you down as she also tried to convince the driver to just pull aside.

But you were out of time.

You couldn't hold it back, the morning sickness was too intense.

And as your stomach flipped, you threw up onto the floor of the car.

"Oh, baby," Taylor softly spoke as she gently grabbed your hair. "It's okay. Let it out, let it all out."

It was just as agonizing as always.

You tried so hard to get through it but it was harder to do when it was so cramped.

"I'm so sorry, Tay," You whimpered as you continued to vomit on the floor.

"Don't be sorry. You don't need to apologize, darling. You're pregnant, it happens."

You looked at her with tired eyes, feeling guilty and emotional despite feeling comforted by her soothing touch.

"What's the matter, my love? Why are you about to cry?" She asked worriedly.

"Pregnancy hormones, I guess." You replied and she chuckled. "But also, I feel so bad about being sick here. On the floor of a car. That's such a horrible place to get sick. And it's so cramped and hot."

"I know but you can't control it. We both know your morning sickness is especially terrible right now. Don't feel bad about it. It happens."

You leaned against her as the driver looked at her in the mirror, noticing Taylor glaring at him.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"I don't want to hear it. Just take us home."

"But Taylor, we have to get to the airport to go to that event." You reminded her.

"I know but I'll just see if Tree will tell them something came up. I'm not performing, just attending. I know you want to rest and I want you to be comfortable. It'll be alright. You and the baby come first."

You cracked a smile and closed your eyes as she began to brush her fingers through your hair.

As the driver took you both home, you drifted off to sleep in Taylor's arms.

She kissed your forehead lovingly, hoping that you'd feel a little better with some rest and some cuddles when you got home.

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