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A month went by. I hadn't left the building, but Tony had given me a small budget when I asked about getting books. Or to him it was small it was five hundred dollars for anything I wanted. I had trained with Nat only a few times since I threw her and when I did it wasn't for long. Steve stayed around when I trained with powers. Along with the girl her name was Wanda, and she actually was like me. Peter had been in and out training as well, but he'd been busy. I heard he had some college classes going on along with work. We did message though from time to time, but I to was busy.

Tony Stark made sure I had no time to myself. He wanted to watch me especially after my incident.

I walked towards his little office. I'd seen it once before when Peter had come out. I was asking to go home again. I'd been back twice in the month. And when I had I was assigned to be watched.

I stopped when I heard him talking, "Peter, Aria is a hazard she almost killed Natasha with a blink of word got out to the accords for it she'd be theirs under their watch" Tony said.

He'd been protecting me despite what I assumed. I didn't know much about the accords, but I figured the main thing was that they were a way to control people. People like me mostly. 

"She can't live here trapped, thats asking for trouble to" Peter said. 

"I am aware. I've seen it written on her face everyday" Tony said. 

Was I really that clear? I'd been tired and numb for the last two weeks. It was a sensation that wasn't new for me. I hadn't realized how much I wanted to leave. I hadn't asked to leave except to go home to see my family. I don't think until now I even realized how much I'd been feeling. 

"It happened once where she didn't control it. That's less then what Mr. Banner did. Less then most like her" Peter said. 

"Fine she can go with you just use your spidey sense" Tony said. 

Spidey sense? What was that?

"I think she will appreaciate it" Peter said. 

I backed away when I heard them get up. I pretended to just be walking by. They froze clearly surprised at my appearance and timing. 

"Do you want to get out and go somewhere?" Peter asked. 

I didn't know why hearing a plan I knew about made me nervous, "Yes but where?".

"Well if you need to go shopping or something" Peter said. 

"Sure" I said. 

"Oh before you go you both are invited to a celebration, don't worry I will deal with transport. This Saturday. Since we won. Lots of people will be there. It's black tie so I assume since you're shopping you can find what you want" Tony said.

I nodded once in agreement. I was never a big gathering person, but a chance to dress up and buy a fancy  dress was appealing to me. 

The two of us were silent until we reached the door. 

"For someone worried about me he's letting me go to a big celebration?" I said. 

"I think he realized where he might be going wrong. Besides you seem to do well with it. Whatever it is" he said. 

"Thank you Peter" I said. 

"Well of course" he said. 

I hadn't realized he had a car. It was a simple car you'd expect an eighteen year old to have. A little bit of rust and fogged headlights. It also probably had two hundred thousand miles on it. 

"Im surprised Tony lets you drive up to the building in this" I said. 

"He's tried, but I say no" he said. 

I smiled a little as he unlocked it. I got in the passenger side and saw it was mostly clean. There was a lego set in the back that had yet to be opened. He seemed to get nervous when he noticed me looking. 

"What? its okay, I like them to its just been awhile" I said. 

He seemed to relax before he started the car. It had a rattling sound when it came to life. It smelled of old tobacco, pribably from the driver before him. 

* * * 

He stopped in a smaller part of the city. There was aline of stores going down the block even a dress shop. He'd suggested we go since I needed to. Less then four days to prepare wasn't much. I hated the idea of using Stark's money to buy things. It made a knot form in my stomach. 

We reached the shop. 

"So you didn't have some friends you wanted to go with instead?" he asked. 

I shrugged, "No not really I just have my family. It's alright. And I do have one friend" I gave him a smile. 

He was the only one I felt even remotely close to in the entire compound. The only one in a long time. I hadn't had any friends since sophomore year in high school. A lot of people would've hated it. I somehow didn't always mind it. 

In the store there were lines of all sorts of dresses. I already had a color idea. I wanted red or deep green. A woman walked over in a casual outfit. Her dark hair in a bun and her blue eyes seemed joyous. 

"In need of a dress?" she asked.

"Yes, I have a gathering" I said.

"I've got to go look over here for my outfit" he said before he went off. 

"There aren't a whole lot in your size, but here are a few. I agree with the reds and greens" The woman said as we walked to the fitting room. 

I waited a few moments before she came back with a stack of deep reds. I got up as she handed the first one to me. I took it into the room and took my normal clothes off and the dress on. It was a smooth silk fabric. The bodice ended above my belly button and the skirt was a puffier shape. When I walked out, she helped me to zip it. 

She handed me four other red ones which I tried on. The last one was a sparkly one that was fully of lace. The sleeves were also puffy much like the skirt. The neckline plunged just enough where I still felt comfortable and like one of my breasts wouldn't flop out. A genuine fear of mine. I loved it more than other red ones. It made my golden hair look even brighter. My skin looked warmed and not its usual pale. And my green eyes were striking even from a distance. 

"This one" I said. 

I changed out of it and paid for it by the time Peter emerged. He was empty handed. He asked the woman something that I didn't hear before he walked over to me. 

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