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Natasha had walked with me back to my room. She assisted me with my dress. I'd nodded when she asked. I still felt unnerved by the entire thing.

"You'll need to rest and don't use your voice" she said.

I nodded I knew that well already. I planned to rot in here until I was able to say the word hello.

After she left I sat on my bed thinking. I heard of Hydra when in training. Steve had given me a file to look over to get an idea of what existed. It seemed like now though the training was going to come to an end. Sooner or later they'd have gotten me if I wasn't here. Tony said my family was being moved tonight a few towns over. I'd become buried in a life that lead me to be alone. It felt that way now anyways.

I tried to focus on the one person I trusted the most here. The way his eyes had lit up in the ballroom. Or the way his eyes always lit up when he was happy. Or the fact he was actually terribly smart. He was like a more innocent Tony Stark.

Eventually thinking of him lulled me into sleep.

My steps tapped on cement floors. I felt hands wrapped around my arms as they hauled me along. Step by step. I wasn't afraid though in fact I felt nothing as they walked me. They were in black with heavy guns. When I looked behind I saw a rounded tunnel at the back of the hallway and we were flanked with more guards.

"Hail Hydra" They said before they stopped.

I looked up to see a blurred out man. His hair was dark and messy. I wanted to know who he was.

"Prepare subject 8 7 5 for procedure" his voice sounded fake like he didn't want me to know it.

Pain filled my back before the dream went dark.

I sat up in a sweat as a rasped whisper scream stopped. I got out of my bed hastily and looked around. My bedroom. Not some creepy tunnel. I rubbed at my back that seemed to still hurt. I walked over to my mirror and lifted my shirt. A thin white mark went along my spine. it would've been invisible if I didn't know.

It hadn't been a dream.

I dressed myself in a coat and ran for the roof. I was theirs already. But why make it a show last night. I reached the balcony at the top and looked ahead. The sun was just starting to peek out with bright red colors.

"Aria? What are you doing awake?" Peter asked.

"Hydra, They-" My voice gave out.

Peter walked to me and handed me his phone. I started to type away knowing what he intended. His brows furrowed as he read through it. When he was done he looked at me as sadness filled his features. Before I could expect it he was pulling me close to him into a hug.

"They won't get to you I won't let it happen" I knew he meant every word of it. I knew even Tony would've kept me safe. But in the dream I hadn't been afraid. I hadn't been taken. I'd somehow gone and forgotten it.

Later in the morning Tony brought us all together after Peter told him about me. He said he knew a guy with the technology to help. He also said that someone would need to stay with me until things got figured out. I was Hydras. Nothing I did would matter. It seemed like with a touch of a button they'd have me.

"So you want to bring her to Wakanda?" Nat asked.

It was the same group that first night and we were all debating.

"It's our only option. She's a threat otherwise. She doesn't have control they do. They took Bucky's away they will do so to her" Steve sounded rather positive* .

"We leave in a few days so she can rest up I want someone with her at all times" Tony said.

"I will, I mean if your okay with it" Peter said.

I nodded. Of all the people here I felt safer with him. Though I knew what Hydra might do on its own.

* * *

When Peter said he'd be okay I didn't think he wanted a 24/7 shift. He'd been with me for the last few days. Even sleeping on the floor. Though by the darkness under his eyes it seemed like he hadn't done even that.

When he asked to come with Tony shooed him away. And then I was on a plane off to Wakanda to be healed of brainwashing.

I never expected to go to Africa. Not in my wildest dreams. It was a pretty place with golden plains and even patches of trees. There and occasional watering hole as well. It changed when we reached the Wakanda border. Outside it looked bland and like nothing, but when we passed through it was an empire.

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