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I couldn't help the worry and rage that filled me when we got the signal. The jet Aria and Tony were on crashed at the edge of Africa. The Avengers and me assembled and made our way into Europe to meet with Tony. They'd been fast and he had a tracker on them. Specifically Aria.

When I saw him my anger fell away. He was bruised and hobbling when his left leg touched the ground. He said nothing about how much he failed, but it was written on his face.

"They stopped in Santorini an island" he said.

"How do we expect to get her?" I asked.

"We will need a plan and you are staying here" Tony said.

"I'm not a kid" I said.

I was going. I promised I wouldn't let something happen to her and I meant it. They'd already had her a for a day. That was far too long.

"No" Tony said.

I was going anyways I planned to grab onto the outside if I had to.

"I think blunt force is our only way in, There's an old bunker, and we have nobody on the inside to get us there maybe we can sneak inside and get the element of surprise" Tony said.

"Sounds like a horrible plan" Natasha said, but made no effort for a better one.

"Ya well we also have no idea where she is inside" Tony added.

I ran a hand through my hair. I made a promise to her and it seemed like it was pointless. Who would she be in a day of being there. Would she be a broken mess or would she be who she'd been.

Her smile was enough to light even the darkest parts of someone. And her hair looked magical even with its frizzy ends. Her eyes were what really drew me in thought. A shade of green like a forest in spring. I'd thought that since I first saw her walk into the medic wing needing stitches. I hadn't stopped. I don't think she thought of me as just a friend, at least not after our dance. A dance that ended in smoke. She'd been okay after that mostly. Now she was in a snake den without a weapon other then herself.

* * *

The planning went on after that. There was debate and argue. I wanted to just jump and get her like anybody, but it was risky. It was also the best lead we had.

I followed them out to the jet. It was huge and took up half the small town airport we were in. I waited until the five of them, Wanda, Falcon, Nat, Tony and Steve got on. I waited a few minutes before putting myself on the hull of it. I had my suit and nobody was around. I crawled towards the landing gears to find an opening. I went inside and opened a panel that led me to the storage area. It started to take off and I was relieved to have gotten on here. She was my responsibility.

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