Kwazii hcs 🐱🏴‍☠️

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-acts young but is actually the 3rd oldest at being 31, just a little older than tweak

-good singer. Taught peso how to sing too

-him and Shellington used to date, but it felt wrong, considering they're more like brothers to eachother

-middle child. Barnacles is oldest brother, and Shellington is youngest, inkling is the father

-taught Shellington how to use a sword, and how to fist fight.

-good at drawing but not great (better than poor barnacles 😭)

-calls everyone 'mate' and talks a little bit like a roadman

-he doesnt really know where he's from, but he knows hes from carribean heritage, because his grandad is. He grew up in london after escaping his pirate past

-has so many cool scars. Will talk for hours about them, while Pinto is listening in awe.

-got a red lead guitar one time for Christmas. Him, Dashi, Shellington and Tweak are in somewhat of a band together

-likes adult animations, like south park, or family guy. Him and his little bro Shellington watch Disenchantment together (its on netflix. Watch it and you wont regret it)

-gets hayfever (i got this from hes a cat, and cats cant eat grass or they throw up, and my dumbass summed it up to this)

-pretty bad ADHD. He didnt get any support until he joined the Octonauts, and refuses to take medication for it, but he copes :)

-has only cried once, in front of his brothers. It was a sensory meltdown thing, due to having to wear a suit (trust me on this, ADHD and fancy clothes do not fucking mix, theyre so uncomfortable)

-gets sensory issues, but never owns up to it. He uses discreet earbuds, and knows good ways to calm down. King of masking

-cant eat spice for shit. It hurts his stomach a lot and growing up, he only ate pretty basic and accessible food, being a pirate.

-him and paani dont really act like a couple in public, but when they're alone, Oh lord it gets intense

-him and paani dont really act like a couple in public, but when they're alone, Oh lord it gets intense

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