Chapter 3

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1 years later: both 9 Kurt nearly 10

Blaine POV

I was laying down on Kurt legs as he sat under the tree in my backyard garden "I wish I was homeschooled I mean think of all the new things I could discover? Maybe I could be as smart as you?"

Kurt didn't seem to agree with my fascination of homeschooling "Trust me what I would give to go to public school is a lot. I'd give my voice."

I rolled my eyes "Ok Ariel... Anyway when can you stop doing school it's Saturday!" He laughed "Oh Blaine I'm not doing school I just said I was so you'd let me read I've got to the exciting part of the book." I pouted with my arms crossed and shook my head "No fair! Let's do something fun! I've been learning a new song you wanna hear?" He nodded excitedly and we run to the piano and I started pressing random keys to make sure my fingers were warmed up. Now that I think about it that was quite stupid of me but got to be safe!

I began to play and once I finished Kurt gave me a big hug which I gladly accepted "That was amazing Blaine what song is it?" I shook my head "It's something I wrote myself maybe one day I'll sing you the lyrics I wrote with it. I'm not ready to sing yet though."

He seemed surprised but I knew he understood "You know my Therapist said you were really good for me? Not gonna say I don't agree but it must be true if she told me." My stupid sister then came into the room you know she's here when I don't need her but when I do she half way across the country. Eye roll she looked shocked at my reactions "Oh please don't act like you want to be here I'm sure you have better things to be doing? Or are you here cause dads started talking way too much about me?" Kurt put his hand on my shoulder telling me to stop but I didn't I kept glaring at Rachel.

She rolled her eyes "Oh stop being such a baby I didn't leave you on purpose I had to go see my mom in New York for a while." Blaine shook his head "She left you! You have a great life here you went cause she a manipulator!"  I said to her before storming off the last thing I heard before slamming my door was Kurt saying "Welcome home Rachel my brother will be very happy."


Kurt came up to say bye I didn't mean to make him want to leave but I guess I just give off that impression to everyone. My dad Hiram knocked on my bedroom door I knew I was him cause we have a certain knock so I know it's him "Come in."

"What's been up with you these past few days huh?" I shrug "Nothing." He looked at me with his I'm your dad I know it's not nothing look "Well I still don't have any friends at school Kurt's only allowed here on the weekend and I just really so lonely dad."

He nodded "Well Blaine you need to talk to me and dad about this ok? You can't keep getting so upset and what is this about you still feeling like Rachel's competition? I thought you and Jane talked about this?"

I sighs "We did but I still believe that we are! I mean Dad LeRoy never talks about me to his fancy friends always Rachel you talk about me but definitely not as much as you do about Rachel. The minute Rachel left for a couple months I was all you both could talk about so you did and it felt amazing playing piano for your friends showing of that I'm just as talented as Rachel."

He hugs me tightly "I'm sorry and I'm sure dad is too both our children are extremely talented especially you." He said while tapping me lightly on the nose "You're my little pianist composer and even though you don't sing often you have a great voice."

"Thanks dad. This is why you're my favourite." He giggles "And this is why you're my favourite." He smiles and then whispers "Sush don't tell Rachel. Our little secret."


Kurt's POV:

"Reta? Is it ok to want to find a prince instead of a princess?" She looked at me very confused but nodded "Yeah it is but why such an interesting question?"

I sigh "Cause maybe I don't wanna fall in love with a girl. They are really nice and sweet but I'd only want that in a friend. I wanna marry someone someday who is Handsome caring sweet and loves everything about me."

Reta gives me a smile and walks around to the front of her desk to sit in the chair next to me "Kurt honey no matter how many people tell you that you can't the answer to your question is yes you absolutely can find a prince."  I smile very excitedly "Good, do you think Blaine could be my prince?"

Reta laughs "Oh Kurt let's not jump too far ahead, you and Blaine are best friends right?" I nod "He's made you very happy you talk about your mom with him a lot don't you?" I nod "All the time he loves listening not many people in my life like listening to me Blaine is the only one and I'm so happy Rachel helped me meet him."  She started writing things down as I spoke "Kurt I think it might be a good idea for you to see Blaine more often. How would you feel about be talking to your dad about going to his school?"

I could tell she saw the excitement on my face "Yes please I miss Blaine I only get to see him once a week I really miss him and it seems that I'm only happy when I'm with him." She nods "I know which is why I know it's a good idea for you to see each other more. I'll talk to your dad." I know I probably shouldn't but I get up and give her a big hug "Thank you! Thank you!Thank you!"


My dad sits me down in the living room with a serious face so I thought that the plan Reta had didn't work. "Reta has told us that it would be a good idea for you to start going to regular school with Blaine. Is that something you'd like to do?"

I smile and give him a nod "Yes dad I would love to if you'll let me!" He sighs "I'm not gonna say I'm not scared for you too but if it will help and make you happy I'll see what I can do." I start doing a happy dance and hug my dad tightly "Thank you dad I know this would've been a hard decision."

Couple days later

"Hey kiddo it's time for bed got to get up early tomorrow." I was thinking as to why cause my bedtime isn't normally this early and then I realised it was Monday tomorrow "am I really going to school?" He nodded and I ran and gave him the world's biggest hug "Thank you dad you won't regret it I have to pick out an outfit. IM SO EXCITED! Does Blaine know I must ring him now to talk to him."

Dad chuckled at me "Slow down kid Blaine knows and he's also very excited I'm really glad to see a smile on your face you remind me of your mother when you smile." I subconsciously smile at that and only realise when dad say "see your smile is just like hers." I nod "Thank you dad I'm really happy that you agreed to let me go to school I love you."

Dad can over and sat on my bed "I love you too kiddo and don't you ever forgot it."

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