Chapter 8

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It is 8:30 the next day so I decided to go to the Choir room since I remembered where Kurt showed me it was. I look around to make sure no one was here completely missing the office in the room. I go to the piano and start playing and singing softly along. I only sing when I'm alone as a way of realising my feelings and I was alone or so I thought.

Once I finish the last note of somewhere only we know I heard clapping and it was only then I realised the office so I blush "Oh erm... Thank you." The teacher nods "I think I may have found my 12th glee club member." I shook my head "Oh his no there is no way I'm that good my sister Rachel she was in glee club when she was here so that's how good you have to be to be in glee. I..."

The man who I presume is Me shue cut me off "Ahhh so you're Rachel's younger brother. I can tell Blaine is it?" I nod thinking it's best to let him finish "You guys must have a very talented family. Don't tell Rachel but you definitely give her a run for her money. You are incredibly talented Blaine and we could definitely use you to get to nationals. I hear you went to dalton for a year before you came here you were in the warblers right?"

I nod "Yeah but only cause of Wes he heard me sing in the shower. I sang lead once but no one seemed to like it so I didn't again." He smiles "Well join our glee and everyone will love you. No one else in this school has half the talent you have."

I stood up "I'll think about it and erm... thanks my sister thinks VERY highly of you." He nods and I leave


Kurt sighs "ugh we'll have to catch up later I have glee." I smirk cause I knew what his reaction would be "I've been invited to join." Kurt gasps with excitement "REALLY?! Will I finally hear you sing? Wait who did you sing for?"

"No one I was just playing and singing a little bit and Mr Shue was in his office and he heard me and said I should join and I said I'd think about it." Kurt nods "Yes! Please join besides what else would you do?" I roll my eyes playfully "Ok fine."


Mercedes I think her name is I remember Kurt introducing me to her yesterday she walked one to where we were sitting and gave me a look "That's my seat." Kurt rolled his eyes "He didn't know chill." She sighed "Well now he does." Blaine gets up and sits in the other side of me and I knew that would cause a problem with Tina so I told him to move up two so that Tina still had her seat. "Yeah they kinda always need to be in the middle sorta their thing."

He laughed "So what solo you singing for the competition thingy?" I blush "I'm flattered you think I'm good enough for a solo at regionals but erm no Santana is our best singer on our team she gets all the solos." He looked to her as if to say I'll be the judge of that.


Blaine POV:

I ran out of the choir room to catch up with Santana "Santana you're amazing I see why you're the lead." She smiles "And you're hot." She winked "Flattered but not your team." She laughed "Actually yes you are." We both started laughing "I thought you might be you and the blonde girl I presume?"

She sighs "Brit is Bisexual she's with a gross straight man at the moment." I for some reason place a hand on her shoulder "Sorry San however I've got you I'm new here I'll get people talking."

She smiles "Thanks Blaine but it's ok."


4 months later

"F...inn?" He hugged her for a little to long so I roll my eyes "God get a room." But I regret it cause Rachel looked stressed "Oh Rach I'm sorry are you ok?" She shook her head and looked to Finn then the left but I followed them and listened.

"Finn I'm pregnant." I gasped and Finn came to open the door "Kurt?! Privacy?"

"Well I'm gonna be an uncle!" Finn rolled his eyes "It might not be mine." I look down "Sorry." Rachel laughs "Well Finn I've not had sex with anyone else since us Four months ago so it has to be yours."

Finn froze so I go up and hug him "Oh Finn this is amazing. Wait.... Blaine and I can st... erm never mind." Rachel laughs and I couldn't help but be embarrassed "Of course you guys can you guys won't have any legal relation to each other."

I suddenly start tearing up and I had no idea why Rachel's face softened "Oh Kurt come here." So I did god I've missed Rachel so much she hugged me tightly "Finn could you give us a minute please." He nodded and left the room "Why are you crying? Did my stupid baby brother say something to you?"

I shook my head "No he's been great he's just so different and I feel like I've missed so much of his life." Rachel laughs so I roll my eyes "I know it's silly." She then made sure I got that idea out of my head "My brother is an idiot Dads told him to write he kept telling them he wanted to see you before we left but they said no and for some reason he gave up."

I nod "Well I just don't get why he had to move cause he was having trouble with himself being gay? You know when he left how much trouble I went through? I was verbally and physically assaulted everyday of course I was before but knowing I had a friend a real friend who cared made everything so much better. Then of course when we got a little older I started day dreaming us getting married and I knew that's not how you view just a friend."

Rachel wiped my tears "you know Blaine didn't bloody shut up about you while we were gone and my little birdie told me you didn't shut up about him. So Kurt don't worry you'll be back to how you used to be soon it'll be like he never left."

I smile "Thanks Rachel I hope you're right. I've missed you, can I be a little birdie for you little birdie?"

She rolls her eyes with a laugh "I've missed you too. And sure go for it." I look to make sure the door was closed "Finn hasn't been this happy since you left. You're both gonna be amazing parents." Rachel sighs and gives me one last hug "Thank you I hope so I really hope so."

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