Chapter 14

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Blaine POV:

"My life is over!" I look over to my dad and I start sobbing "I want Dad LeRoy and Kurt in here."  he rubbed my back "I know but they're not allowed baby they have rules." I look up to the sealing "Will there ever be a time that I can just get what I want this is why I hated myself for so long."  He held my non hurt hand and kissed it "I hope there is  son I really do." The doctor came in with a sad look on her face "I'm afraid your arm is broken."

My dad spoke up for me "Erm you see our Blaine is a pianist we he still be able to play piano?" I look at her with hope and when she nods I was relieved "Maybe not as good as you could before but you can keep playing to get your arm strong again."

I frown and start crying My dad sighs "it's better than not being able to play at all right?" I nod "I guess but piano is my life." The doctor brings the stuff over for my cast "Got a favourite colour?"

Our Regionals costumes are Blue so I will go with that it's also my favourite colour cause Kurt's eyes are blue. "Blue please."


We walk back to the waiting room and Kurt saw the cast and frowned "No piano?" I smile "No Kurt I can still play the doctor just said to be careful still sucks though cause I had my audition for that showcase this summer."

He hugged me "Can i sign it?" I nodded and got the sharpie that the doctor gave me and gave it to Kurt.

You'll forever be my pianist B keep playing lost of love
Kurt :)

I smile "Thank you Kurt I love it this will keep me motivated. Will you come sing with me like old times?" He nods "of course I will. You got to sing too though." I roll my eyes "Ok fine."


Kurt POV:

I walk into dalton to find Nick and I accidentally bump into Sebastian "Hey! Thanks to you Blaine may never play piano the same ever again! You've ruined his life o hope you're happy with yourself. You stay away from him you go near Blaine again so help me god I wi..."

Nick stoped me "Come on Kurt he's not worth it just leave him like Blaine said."


We go up to Nicks dorm And Jeff is lay on his bed "Hey sweetie what you doing in here?" Jeff had clearly been crying "I erm my brother is in hospital and I'm not allowed to go so I came here first you but you're with Kurt."

Nick looked at me apologetically but we've spoke about this so it's ok "Well Jeffy you wanna come out with Kurt and I? If we promise to not make him feel like a third weal."

Jeff nodded "We should invite Blaine." Nick smiled at me "That's a great idea. Is Blaine allowed out?"

I roll my eyes "I'll text him but he's just got out a relationship I'm not being a rebound." Nick laughs but realised I was being serious "Oh.. Kurt you don't seriously believe that is what you'd be? Sebastian was that to him you're who he want to be with an..."

Incoming call from Blaine ❤️

"Rachel has gone into labour! Everyone has been trying to call you. Are you ok?"
"oh my god I'll be there as soon as I can! And yes I'm fine today was just a mental health day so I muted everyone."
"Aww but not me?"
"Well yeah cause I knew you'd probably call me which you did."
"Well get here and hurry dads said she's moving quickly."
"Ok bye see you soon!"

"Rachel went into labour so could you drive me Nick?" He nodded and Jeff came along too cause this was an excuse to be at the hospital.


I walk to the room that the receptionist said they were in and was shocked to see Finn outside "Finn? The hell you doing out here." He looked at me "I can't be a dad what am I thinking?"

"Finn growing up with you was a pain in the neck but you helped me get through my mom dying even if you did mess up a lot by shouting at dad, you were there and I wouldn't be half the person I am today if it wasn't for you." He smiled "Really you really think I can do this?"

"No Finn I know you can do this Owen is gonna be the luckiest baby boy to have you as his dad." Finn hugged me "Thank you Kurt. Ya know Blaine hasn't shut up about you since getting here."

I blush "Thanks for the intel now let's go help Rach birth your son."


A beautiful healthy Owen B Hudson was born at 1:35 pm and I couldn't contain my excitement anymore "Ahhh I'm an uncle!"

"And I'm a daddy." Finn kissed his son's head and I had a very proud brother moment. Blaine sighs "Can I still hold him with this stupid thing on?"

Rachel giggles "Of course you can B but sit down because you'll be supporting him with your left arm." He nodded his excitement was very cute I cant stand not being with him but I'll wait for how ever long I have to. I was very deep in thought until he said my name "Kurt? Hey you ok?"

I look up to him and the baby "Er yeah I just need some air I'll be back."


I was outside for about 5 minutes alone before Blaine came to calm me down I'm glad he still knows when I'm about to have a panic attack. "Wanna hold my hand or too much."

I try to breathe but nothing was coming out I take his hand "hey remember that time when we were 10 and we tried to see who could jump the highest and because I could jump higher and you couldn't stand the idea of me winning so you got Finn to help you jump higher."

I nod but tears rolled down my face cause it didn't work "Ok that used to work but you're older can't trick your brain to be happy anymore."

"How about we name a colour until we can't anymore?" I nod and look at him to go first

"Purple try picturing the colour in your mind."
I paused breathing in and out surprised it happened "Yellow."
Blaine smile "There we go erm white."
I giggle "magenta and since I can name that colour I think we are good."

Blaine sighs in relief "Good cause I was running out of colours. What got you panicked?"

I look at my hands "I'm worried about you. I mean I didn't know Sebastian would hurt you and almost take away the thing you love most. This could be so much worse and I'm really sorry that I couldn't help you."

Blaine nods "Kurt it's not your fault I was stupid to be with him I liked him sure but I just hiding my true feelings from someone else." I smile "Well I'm sure whoever they are like you back. Now come on let's go back inside I wanna hold my nephew. Erm thanks for coming to help me."

Blaine gave me one of his charming similes "of course anytime you need me I'm here." With a quick nod we started walking back to the room I hope his hidden love is me.

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