Chapter 16

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"I'm not leaving your side." I roll my eyes "Kurt go have fun I'm boring at the moment." He shook his head "Nope I'm not leaving."

I smile "ok fine but next time you're sick I'm there for you too." He nods "Hey Blaine I know that you were gonna confess your feelings for me at the hospital." He said while playing with my hair I look at him nervously "Well... I oh god you don't feel the same way I'm so stupid I knew after seeing me with Sebastian you'd mo..."

He cut me off my rambles with a kiss and I melted and kissed him back the only reason we pulled away was for oxygen. Put we kept our heads together "Kurt I.." he cut me off again "Blaine shut up and kiss me again."

I didn't object and kissed him he started out his hand under my shirt so I jumped out of the bed "Are you ok?" He asked in his concerned voice I nod "Yeah I just with Sebastian he always went too far sometimes too quick for me to say no. I just... I would prefer to go slower with you. Is that ok?"

He stood up taking my hands in his "100% Blaine that is ok, I'm sorry I don't normally come on so forcefully in fact I usually wait but I've waited so long for you that... I'm sorry."

I shook my head "No don't worry, I just want to do this right and it just too early to tell what I want from this relationship all I know is I love you and I always have." We kiss and go back to laying in bed together "Thanks for not leaving and not being scared like I was."

He hugs me tightly "Of course it was Nick I forced him to tell Jeff so he forced me to tell you so thank him." I giggle "Ok I will."

"Oh god when people find out we won't be able to have sleepovers anymore." I frown "But I like our sleepovers." He nods "Me too so what if we don't tell anyone for a bit it'll be our little secret."

I didn't want to hide but that made a lot of sense "Ok but your dad will know within a couple of weeks." He sighed in annoyance "You're right but we can try push our look for a bit." I laugh and nod "Ok deal."

2 weeks Later

"Rach you promise you won't tell anyone of I tell you a secret. Not even Finn." She laughs "Please you and Kurt finally starting to date is no secret to Finchel."

I huffed "God I can't tell you anything myself can I?" She shook her head "I think Burt knows." She gave me a look of pity "I knew he would've know straight away. What about Dads?"

She laughs "Dad LeRoy doesn't but Dad Hiram definitely does but that's cause you're his baby." I roll my eyes "Of course he does. The only reason we didn't want to tell anyone is because we wanted to keep having sleepovers. Cause he's still my best friend."

She smiles "I know bee now if you tell Dads, the rules will got slightly stricter but they'll still let him sleepover. It will be a lot easier for you than it was with me and Finn but that's because I could get pregnant."

I huff "God why'd they presume we'd have S..E..X?" She rolled her eyes and giggled "Cause you're teenage boys and Blaine it's perfectly ok to wait you do it when you're ready and my guess if you have to spell the word sex you're definitely not read, but that doesn't mean dads and Burt won't be cautious."

I nod "Well we won't be cause I'm definitely not ready. And ok I'll text Kurt."


Me: Everyone knows we might as well come clean!

Kurt ❤️: I know my dad confronted me and I told him x

Me: And?

Kurt ❤️: My dad was my dad! Wants you to meet you formally as my boyfriend 🙄

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