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         In the morning after she had woken up, she thought about her angel and the lack thereof. When she woke up, nothing felt any different. Although, she noted she didn't have the dream of a bright light anymore. Besides that she'd thought she'd hear a comment from her angel about how she was weak for needing sleep or how she had a bed head.

           But there was only silence.

She thought he'd show up at some point so she got ready for the day. She went in the bathroom and took a shower and then she got dressed into a silver gray, airy dress that's length went to just below the middle of her thighs. She brushed through her white hair and she had to admit the color was starting to grow on her (when she woke up, she learned her brown hair changed to white).

When she got downstairs, her temporary guardian was not there.

"Meg?" she called but she got no answer.

She wondered if her wish had actually come true. If Luke was free from his cage, maybe he was done with her. Maybe Meg went to join him. It made her sad.

She made herself busy by distracting herself. She went to the store but she still thinking about Luke and how he'd probably comment how pathetic it was how worried she was. He thought emotion was weakness and she was determined to prove him wrong.

           But it was still silent and she called out in her mind, Luke? Where are you?

             There was no answer.


Throughout the day, there was no jabs or judgements Luke commented in her head. Each time she called out for him in her mind, there was still no answer. She was growing increasingly worried about him.

        She was back at the house and watching TV anxiously before Meg suddenly showed up. Eira jumped to her feet from the couch, "Meg, where have you been?"

"It worked," Meg smirked.

"What did?" Eira asked as Meg grabbed her arm and suddenly they were somewhere else.

         They reappeared in some sort of living room she didn't recognize. Although, Eira didn't know it, they were actually in a whole different state. As soon as they appeared in this room, she felt a wave of safety wash over her.

"I retrieved her," Meg announced. Whoever Meg was looking at, Eira had her back facing the person.

"Good. Now, leave," an icy calm voice spoke and it made her turn around to find a man with soft, blond hair that fell over his forehead leaning against a column. He had bright, blue eyes that pierced her. It felt like an invisible thread just tied itself together, connecting her to him; it was overwhelming and felt as if she looked away, it would be a sin.

Meg disappeared at once and it made her look around the room noticing there was a blonde woman that was close to the man who seemed to hold all the power.

He tilted his head but didn't look at the blonde woman, "That includes you, Lilith."

Lilith clenched her jaw and crossed her arms before glaring at her. Eira widened her eyes at the blatant hate; she didn't understand what she did. But Lilith disappeared before she could ask.

Her gaze moved back to the man who hadn't stopped staring at her. He started to smirk, "You've been calling me all day. It was very annoying."

"Luke," she breathed out. She was still in shock that it had worked. But she gained her composure and crossed her arms. "I was worried about you all day. You could've said something."

"My little nightmare was worried about me. How sweet," he said sarcastically as he left the column he was leaning against and approached her.

"I've not exactly a nightmare when I'm the reason you're free," she argued as he stopped in front of her.

"So you have your uses but I still never wanted you."

She expected that but it still stung to hear it. But she could only imagine what a nuisance a human must be to an angel with them being relegated to guard to make sure their human didn't die. What helpless being she must be to him if she needed an angel to protect her.

            Now that he was in front of her, she hesitantly stood on her tip toes and gave him a soft hug. "Sorry. I-I'll try to be less of a nuisance."

             Before Lucifer could pull her away from him in disgust, she let go. She fumbled with her hands before looking up at him and gave him a small smile that was so genuine it made his chest warm without his consent, "I'm glad you're free."

                "Okay, stop...whatever that is," he said in aggravation and she lost her smile in confusion.

"So were those angels you sent to get me?" Eira asked. She had been told the story that there had been a war between angels and demons a long time ago and then he got locked away; she assumed demons did it.

"They were my...loyal soldiers," Lucifer smirked.

                "Why did you bring me here?" she questioned. "Wherever here is."

              "Now that I'm on Earth, you're my biggest liability," Lucifer tilted his head. "Which is why you need this..."

  He reached his hand out and touched her ribs. There was a painful sensation and she let out a yelp before he pulled his hand away.

          "What was that?" she asked, touching her now tender ribs.

"I branded your ribs. No angel will be able to find you now."

"Because angels really don't like you?" she teased.

"Yes," he rolled his eyes.

"But you'll be able to find me, right?"

"If you're in danger, I'll know exactly where you are. But only then."

"So..." she dropped her hand from her ribs. "Can I go back home now?"

"Your home is with me."

"So I can't leave?"


She huffed and looked away from him in anger. Lucifer reached out and caressed her cheek; his icy cold touch making her shiver. He didn't know what it was about humans and touch but it seemed to be a weakness and he was only exploiting it to manipulate Eira. He needed her to be somewhat appeased so she didn't go running to the angels; that would be very bad for him.

"Don't act like you hate me," he said before leaning in and uttering quietly by her ear. "I know you don't."

His voice sent electric chills down her spine. His close proximity made her heart beat faster. Even if she was angry at him, everything about him pulled her in like gravity and she couldn't even help it.

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