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The bond between a guardian angel and its human was unbreakable. Usually, Lucifer didn't care about it at all; humans were disgusting little creatures and he never wanted a bond with any one of them.

But then he felt it while in the darkest depths of Hell in his cage. It had only happened to one angel before he was put down here. There was no mistaking what he felt; the inescapable pull like gravity beckoning him towards his little human.

Although he didn't know, it was 1864 when he felt it. He thought his human had just been born, screaming at the world annoyingly. But his human was different; her soul hadn't been born for him, it was molded that way.

At that moment, his human was seventeen and being buried. She wasn't dead but she wasn't alive, either. She was tethered to life by a spell and cursed by another to sleep.

She'd sleep for another century and a half. In that time, the spell that was giving her life was only supposed to be on her for a short while, just to revive her, but the sleeping curse kept her from ever being truly revived. So her soul was given life over and over again, becoming brighter than any; it stayed on her so long that she became tethered to life itself, to the very thing that gave witches their power: Nature.

Lucifer remembered his father created the guardian bond because of him, hoping that it would change him. But because he was the brightest angel, he could only be bonded with the human that contained the brightest soul.

Eira Lockhart was his human; her name was engraved into his brain the moment he felt the pull. And, although, he hated it, he started to scheme.

The guardian bond was unbreakable. If a human called out for their angel, nothing could stop that angel from coming to their aid.

Not even a cage.


"Find my human."

        That was one of the commands that Lucifer gave Azazel. It took time and the Prince of Hell made sure he followed out the command with the upmost secrecy as the Devil demanded. It was why he appointed the task to one demon only: his daughter, Meg.

         And Meg finally found the grave where the human was buried. It was tough to find a witch that would break the sleeping curse as all of them refused to wake their deity just so she could be used by the Devil. But then finally one caved to torture.

           And Eira awoke.

           Meg waved down at her in her coffin with a smirk, "Well, hello, precious."

          And that was who Eira was with for months while she adjusted to society. Meg never revealed that she was a demon. She was under strict orders not to from the Devil himself; he wanted his human to be cared for delicately so she would trust in him.

Ever since Eira woke up from her coffin, she'd been getting strange dreams of a bright, white light shooting up from the ground and into the sky. She never knew what it meant until a voice started speaking to her.

  She stood in the middle of a field at night with no recollection of how she got there.

"You didn't?" she exclaimed out loud with only the stars to hear.

I did, she could feel his smirk in her mind.

See, she had a guardian angel; a particularly annoying one. He could only talk to her mind and, when she was sleeping, he could control it. It was precisely how he talked to Meg. He often had her sleepwalk in the middle of the night to show her the greatest view of the stars.

Do you like this one? He asked about the view.

"Yes," she smiled as she stared up at the view of the clear night sky.

He could feel her awe and soft peacefulness that settled within her bones. It almost felt like it settled within his soul as well...if only for a moment. She felt like she could sense a smile from him.

"Do you take me out here because you miss it?" she asked as she sat down on the grass.

Don't ask stupid questions, he said. She shook her head but she didn't say anything. She would never admit it but his presence in her mind was comforting even if most of the time he was cold and mean; she got the sense that even if he hated her, he just enjoyed having someone to talk to. And seeing the stars through her eyes; he told her that he could see whatever she did.

As she stared up at the stars, she wondered how far away he was. She thought about how sad it must be to never be able to see the stars in the sky or feel the sun on his skin.

"I'm sorry you're in a cage," she apologized. "I can't imagine being in one that long."

He grew angry and his voice was cruel. Save me your pity. Pity from a human; that was low.

   She huffed and got up to walk home, "If that's how you're going to be, then I just won't try your little plan."

You are the most aggravating little human, he said before sighing. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.

"You don't mean it," she stated.

No, I don't, he responded without any hesitation.

"Goodnight, Luke," she begrudgingly said and her anger shut him out of her mind.

Luke, that was name he gave her. He couldn't exactly tell her he was the Devil or she'd never go along with his plan.

While all the angels were running around and worrying about the 66 seals, they should've been worried about her. Lucifer had a prevailing theory that with his little human, he didn't need to break 66 seals. He just needed a couple words.

Although, his little human was a bit skeptical about an angel being locked in a cage. She wasn't quite sold on the story he told her. But that was okay because he had eternity to annoy his little human into submission.


           "Did your angel pay you a visit again?" Meg asked as Eira got inside.

         Eira should've known that Meg would be up. She always was. It was almost like she didn't sleep.

          "Yes," Eira admitted. "He took me to see the stars."

           "How lucky are you," Meg smiled.

            "He just misses them."

           Meg rolled her eyes, "The number of times he's watched the stars with you, I don't think he misses them anymore."

           Eira was under the impression that Meg actually knew her angel. The story was that her angel sent Meg to watch over her until he was free. She assumed Meg was an angel as well.

           "I suppose," Eira blushed a bit before she headed up the stairs to go back to bed.

Eira laid back in bed that night thinking about her angel. He was often times mean and always annoying but she assumed that being locked in a cage for ages would create such a bitter person. She didn't quite understand why he was locked in a cage but she didn't think anyone quite deserved it; at least, not for eons.

So she attempted his plan that he didn't have much faith in (his true plan involved Sam Winchester). She closed her eyes and thought about how lonely he must be wherever he was. She thought about how lonely she felt sometimes being in a new era she knew nothing about.

Luke thought that if she expressed her need for him here on Earth (and she truly meant it) that the cage would open and he'd be free. She truly wanted him to be free even if she was mad at him most of the time.

So she uttered the whisper of a wish locked inside a dream, "I need you here." And she fell back asleep after some time, not expecting for it to come true.

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