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They moved from place to place.

          A car was never used; it was always their magical teleportation. And at each place they stayed in, the residents disappeared with a snap of his fingers.

            Whenever she left the place they were staying in, she had a posse of guards following her. With them, the only rule she really had to follow was that she couldn't leave the city's borders.

        She was quite lonely. Meg was nowhere to be found and she had no one to talk to. Her angel hadn't graced her with his presence in two weeks.

             Until tonight.

She walked out of the bathroom now wearing her pajamas and she froze when she saw her angel lying on her side of the bed with his hands atop his stomach. He laid like he was in a coffin, all deathly and silent as his eyes captured hers. She'd seen him be dangerous and deadly with just a snap of his fingers and she couldn't help but think that his sins would be her coffin maker.

          She looked away from him, "What are you doing here?"

          "Well, I need to check up on my little human."

          She rolled her eyes as she approached him, "You're on my side. Move over."

            "So demanding," he smirked before he frowned. "You know I've killed people for less."

            "Then kill me," she responded. She met his eyes in a challenge and it was silent for a moment.

"Why would I do that?" he questioned. "You're the only person on this Earth that isn't afraid of me."

"It's...." he searched for a word as if he felt confused about he felt. She never feared him and...he liked it. "...refreshing."

She shifted as she crossed her arms. She didn't say anything and he sighed before moving over as she demanded. Once he moved, she laid down under the covers and closed her eyes, intending to ignore him.

"You never answered my question: how is my little human?" he stated and she clenched her jaw as he didn't get the memo she didn't want to be bothered.

"Come on, Eira, talk to me," he annoyed. "Don't make me get inside your head."

She opened her eyes in anger and he smirked, "There she is."

"I dislike you," she stated. Hate was far too great an emotion that billowed around people like a cloud, leaving them bitter. She didn't want that for herself.

"Now that's not very nice," he pouted.

"You're not very nice," she retorted and she stared at him for a moment before she uttered quietly. "Why do you want people to fear you?"

"Fear empowers you. It created all my obedient soldiers," he answered. "Because I enjoy it."

"Do you?" she questioned. "Aren't you lonely?"

He crossed his arms and huffed like a child, "I'm not lonely."

"Sure you are," she smiled slightly. Sometimes, he was like a toddler: handle with caution or they'll throw a tantrum. Perhaps, it wasn't fear he really liked but getting his way.

She wondered if all angels were hot and cold like him. She thought the world would've ended by now if that were true.

She sighed and changed the subject, "I wish you'd visit me more."

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