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      It had been days since Luke stayed with her in the night. She got the sense he was avoiding her for whatever reason, especially, when he made it so blatantly obvious.

     She would meet his eyes from across a room and she'd give him a smile before starting towards him and he'd vanish as soon as she took one step. She learned not to even look at him because, apparently, he didn't like it.

He was so hot and cold with her and she didn't know what to make of it. But today Luke wasn't in her vicinity. She was in her suite and planned to stay away all day watching the original Star Wars.

            She had the movie ready and was walking to the couch with a bowl of popcorn. She had just stuffed a handful of popcorn into her mouth when she stopped in her tracks.

               He was sitting on the couch and she swallowed the popcorn rather harshly before composing herself and walking closer.

              "How is my little human?"

              She ignored him and sat on the farthest edge of the couch away from him. She munched on her popcorn while keeping her head turned away from him.

               "What's wrong? I thought we were getting along," Luke said. He was confused. He thought he got her to like him.

               "Now you know how I feel," she shot back. With him avoiding her gaze, she started questioning what was wrong, too but clearly he thought all was well.


             She looked at him with a fiery gaze, "You haven't been able to look at me for the past few days."

             He rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry if I can't give you attention every second of the day."

        Her jaw dropped and she stood up before dumping the popcorn all over him, "Don't worry. You can say goodbye to my attention since it's so bothersome."

          She stomped away despite his eyes blazing with fury. She knew she was going to pay for that but she didn't care. Her anger was a fire, too.

                 Lucifer groaned in frustration. He couldn't deal with her like he would anyone else. He couldn't hurt her or kill her. He didn't even have the temptation to. It wasn't possible to have it even if he wanted to. Every guardian could never hurt their charge. It was the most absolute law or feeling...and a pain in his ass.

              He appeared in front of her before she could get too far and he breathed out angrily, "Yes, you are bothersome. I ignore you for days and yet all I can think about is you and your pathetic nightmares. You frustrate me."

                 It was true. All he could think about was holding her at night. How warm and content he felt.

               "Well, you frustrate me," she huffed and took a step closer to him. "You take me away from my home and make yourself my only comfort. Then you ignore me. I can't keep up with you. Do you...even care about me?"

               His hand reached out and played with the strands of her hair as he gazed into her eyes. He was silent for a moment, "You're not my nightmare anymore. Alright?"

               She analyzed him before she sighed as she breathed the anger out of her body. She fumbled with her hands shyly, "Sorry I threw popcorn at you."

He smirked slightly, "So my little human has a temper."

She looked down with a slight embarrassed blush before looking back up at him, "Just...don't ignore me."

Her pleading doe eyes started a prickling in his chest and he shook his head, "Fine. But don't look at me like that."

She smiled slightly before she asked shyly, "Do you want to watch a movie with me?"

"Only because I enjoy your company so much," he sighed sarcastically. But, really, he'd begun to want to be by her side and get to know his human.

              His human, he thought as he moved to join her on the couch. He snapped his fingers and another bowl of popcorn appeared in her lap which made her give him a small, dimpled smile that caused something in his chest to ache. He ignored the feeling.

         Usually, he would've hated having any sort of gift from his father. His human. But he could admit that she was special. Her soul was so bright like a sun; beautiful. He mostly stared at her as they watched these movies about stars having wars or something.

            As the hours past, he did start to like the art these humans created. As they watched, he didn't know quite when, but they'd somehow gotten closer to each other on the couch. Eira was at one side of the couch and now she sat next to him. He felt her body heat as she leaned into him.

       Her eyes were glued to the screen while his eyes were on her curled up next to him like a delicate little human. He couldn't help but put an arm on the back of the couch behind her protectively. He couldn't help but hear the voice of Lilith in his head and their conversation.

         "She's a filthy little liability," Lilith spoke in disgust. "You can't hurt her because of the rules but the demons you command can..."

          "No," his voice was sharp. "No one will touch her."

         She's a filthy little liability, the words repeated themselves in his head. He believed the same but for once in his life he had something to call his own, something that was purely for him. His human. Because she was, he would not see her harmed, especially, by a demon. He wouldn't let those dirty souls ever touch hers. Hers was perfect. His perfect human. He wondered what it would have been like if she had been Eve.

           His thoughts were halted when he felt a presence in the room behind him. He announced her name with an edge to his voice. He told her he didn't want to be interrupted.


          Eira had her eyes widen and she turned her head to look at the pretty blonde woman standing behind the couch. She startled a bit as he felt her body jump.

           "You've been gone for hours," Lilith stated.

            "And?" Lucifer hummed.

           "Things require your attention," Lilith said.

            "Do they? Well, I'm sure you can handle it."

             Lilith frowned, "But..."

            "You are my second-in-command, are you not? You're to do things I don't want to do. Are you trying to say you're incapable?" his eyes turned cold as they turned to look at Lilith. "Because I can find another that will."

          Eira looked between the two of them. She was a bit apprehensive but she worried over what Luke might do. So she placed her hand over his forearm as she gave him a reassuring, nervous smile, "You have been here awhile. You can go if you need to."

           Lucifer turned his gaze to Eira and his eyes softened. His voice was still deadly as he commanded without looking at the demon, "No. Lilith will leave."

             The demon went to argue but Lucifer spoke before she could, "Now."

           Lilith scowled before she disappeared. Eira stared at the spot the women used to be a bit in fear, "She doesn't like me very much."

          "She'll never harm you," Lucifer reassured. He'd smite Lilith if she ever touched Eira.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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