The Train To Quesadilla

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"Don't cry, I'll cry." Bad whispered to Skeppy as they were packing up the last minute things like their phone chargers and Hani's play pen.

"It's hard...we've been here for so long together." Skeppy sniffled and wiped his eyes. As much as he wanted to leave, he wanted to stay. "This was Haniya's first home."

"Not true, we lived at my old place for the first few months." Bad reminded him.

"But that doesn't count. She might actually remember this house."

"Yeah, I know...but we'll make lots of even better memories on the island."

"I know..." Skeppy sighed. "I can't wait to be far away from here. It'll be nice for Hani to be able to play outside without us having to be afraid."

Bad smiled at the image of Hani playing in a sandbox. "This is going to be so good for us."


"Skeppy, my arm is numb." Bad shook him slightly.

"Mn, don't care." Skeppy continued to use Bad's shoulder as a pillow. Hani was using his chest. Both Skeppy and Hani had been asleep for most of the train ride so far. Honestly, Bad didn't really mind. He loved seeing Skeppy at peace, even if he knew it couldn't last forever.

Someone coughed behind them and Skeppy flinched slightly.

"That was just a cough, you cheeseburger." Bad kissed the top of his head. "You know I will never let anyone take you again."

"Are we almost there?" Skeppy shifted slightly.

"A couple more hours yet, just keep sleeping." Bad closed his eyes. He couldn't sleep. He wanted to stay awake and keep an eye on his family.

Skeppy opened his eyes and blinked until he could see out the window. They were headed across a bridge, over the ocean. "Do you think we'll fit in on the island?"

"Probably not at first." Bad answered honestly. "But I think the people will be friendly."

"They cannot be worse than the lunatics we've already encountered." Skeppy cuddled into Bad. "It's funny how crazy things have gotten since we met..."

"It's like we're cursed."

"Yeah..." Skeppy kissed Bad's shoulder. "But I don't regret anything. If I have to suffer in life, I want to suffer with you."

"Aww, I want to suffer with you too–" Bad hesitated. "I think? Wait...what?"

Skeppy rolled his eyes. "You're stuck suffering with me for the rest of your life." He poked Bad's side. "You promised to take care of me no matter what."

"Why would I ever do that?" Bad teased.

"Be quiet. You love me~" Skeppy taunted him.

"I try." Bad laughed.

"Don't lie, you love me so much~" Skeppy stuck his tongue out.

"I will pluck that tongue out of your mouth, you muffinhead."

Hani lifted her head and blinked sleepily.

"Oh, good morning." Bad fixed her hair.

Skeppy rubbed her on the back. "Hello, baby. Stay quiet, we aren't there yet."

Haniya shifted in Bad's arms and smiled and Skeppy. "Nogate addy."

"When we get to our new home. Okay?" Skeppy smiled back.

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