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𝟑:𝟐𝟑𝐚𝐦 ; connie's place

       "girl where the fuck are you?" aurora had said through the phone. i was laying beside connie so to not wake him i carefully got up and walked into the living room.

"im at connie's place" i said once i finally reached the couch. "the bald nigga? doing what?" she raised her eyebrow at me.

"girl nothing we watched a movie and then made some strawberry lemonade"

"that's it" aurora said sounding disappointed. "yea.. WAIT" i explained to her the whole car accidents a couple nights ago then the little incident that happened tonight since i haven't caught her up on my life lately.

"GIRLLLL AHH YOU FINALLY GETTING SOME PLAY" she screamed into the phone. "aurora shut that shit up" i heard come from the phone. "tell uncle levi i said hey" i laughed.

"but for real girl im so happy for you, every since that whole thing a couple months ago you ain't been waiting to give nobody a chance"

i nodded thinking about the dude i use to talk in the past and all the bad memories that came with him. "so you think you like him?!?"

"i mean he's cool and all but we're just friends and if anything we're taking things slow."

"yea i feel you" she shook her head argeeing. "but girl his friend you know the tall one with the brown long hair-"

"mhm eren what about him"

"girl he fine as hell. i was talking to him a little after the lunch the other day and we hit it off. we're suppose to be going out on a date thursday" she smiled.

" you talking about me look at you girl" i said happy to see my friend happy.

"send me your lo' ima come get you in the morning so we can go to the mall. i need help picking out a fit for my dateee" she sung rolling over turning her light off.

"okay rora, goodnight girl"

"nighty night bookie"

the call beep hanging up the phone. i was on the couch scrolling through instagram before i heard a loud boom from the outside. "what the fuck" i said going over to the door about to look through the peep hole but before i could i was pulled back.

"whatchu doing?"connie said pulling me behind him as he looked through the peep hole holding a gun that was tucked in the waist band on his sweats.

Die For You- 𝑐. 𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now