"Hey, we're heading out," Ben announces as he walks up to shake my hand. "You guys good?"
"Yeah, should be. Thanks for everything today," I respond, making a conscious effort to ease the tension in my jaw. The truth of the matter is that having everyone around while we set up the house served as an effective distraction. Now, with everyone leaving, the gravity of my past mistakes lingers in the air like a predator waiting to make its move.
"Don't mention it. After everything, we were happy to help. I'll check in with you first thing tomorrow. James and Zeb are all set up in the guest room with the equipment, so if anything goes down, you'll have plenty of backup."
I'm still impressed by how swiftly Owen and the team transformed the downstairs guest room into a control center. Its proximity to the main entryway of the house made it the logical choice. After clearing out all the bedroom furniture, the guys arranged an array of monitors along the front wall, each connected to the various cameras and sensors strategically placed around the property.
From this room, the team will oversee security. The moment anyone approaches, whether a person or something else, we'll be alerted. This time, every conceivable scenario has been considered, including the potential threat of another drone. It's all thanks to the jammer technology Owen installed, which will prevent another drone from getting too close. The best part... once activated, the drone will automatically return to its launch location, enabling us to trace it back and identify the person responsible. The first time they caught us off guard, but this time, we're fully prepared and ready to follow it back to its source.
"Great. Thank you."
Following him to the foyer, we arrive in time to watch Embree hugging and saying goodbye to all her friends. Hannah, Nic, Jen, and her cousin Annelly were kind enough to stop by to help her get the girls settled. I'm glad they were here, for it gave Emilia a chance to open up to her friends about some of what's happening in her life. I say some, meaning only the high-level details. The things that are safe to tell, considering the security implications and the negotiated terms with the FBI.
Having them here also made it so I could put a bit of distance between Embree and me while I worked through my emotional turmoil. Now that her friends are leaving, I suspect she and I will have a lot to discuss. Including our intimate exchange this morning, and what it means for us going forward.
"See you, big brother," Jen says as she wraps her arms around me. "Take care of our girls, will ya?"
"You got it." I force a sure smile and lean in to kiss her forehead.
As everyone makes their way out the door, Embree comes to stand beside me. Putting my arm around her, I pull her in close. I've barely said a word to her since we arrived this morning and the guilt is eating away at me. There's a lot I don't care to discuss tonight, but what transpired between us on the side of the road is not one of those things. I can't let this night end without ensuring she understands that the way I'm acting has nothing to do with her or the future I see aligning for us. I just hope I can find it within myself to push through the crippling anxiety long enough so I can explain my feelings to her.
Being back in this house has stirred up emotions that, try as I might, I'm struggling to control. For most of the day, I felt like climbing out of my skin, the unease so strong I had to keep myself moving to avoid falling apart. So I stayed busy with continuous perimeter checks, camera and sensor inspections—anything to divert my mind from the fact that this is where my parents took their last breath.
"I'm heading out to do one last check before we lock down for the night," James informs us as he trails behind the group making their way to their cars. "Zeb's in the control room going through the feeds. If you guys turn in before I return, have a good night."

BROKEN HOPE (Broken Redemption Book 2)
RomanceI was so damn naive it's no wonder I've ended up here. Kidnapped by the man who promised me forever, just as I'd begun to understand the depths of his betrayal. It's a sad truth I didn't marry my husband for love. I married him for the life he promi...