Chapter 31

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I regretted the idea the minute it came out of my mouth, but the way Embree's mother insinuated the girls were better off with her had me seeing red. Especially as I watched Embree's demeanor change back to the sad girl she was the night I was forced to step in between them. It was then I realized a confrontation was inevitable, and likely the only way to get them to see she's not in the same place she was before. She has support now. She's not alone. More importantly, she deserves their respect, and I'm here to make damn sure they understand that's non-negotiable. If they want to be part of the girls' lives, they need to comply. Otherwise, I have no problem cutting them out, and I'm certain Embree doesn't either.

And yes, Nic's right. These decisions aren't mine to make right now. But while I may not be the girls' biological father, I have every intention of assuming the role in the near future. Regardless of what it's going to take, I will prove to Embree that I'm ready to be their dad. I didn't know it then, but I know it for sure now. I fell in love with those two little girls back in that hole, back when I only imagined their existence. And being here with them and their mother now is everything I'd imagined and more. It's why I will spend the rest of my life dedicated to loving them.

"Yo, I'm good now." James plops down in the seat next to me. "It's been ten minutes since Ben texted to let us know they were on their way, so you better get out there."

"Copy that. Mind if Nero sticks with you through dinner?"

"Not at all, but why?"

"I gotta have a word with Muriel and Harold. Things might get a little tense, and I wouldn't want him to misread the situation."

"It's about damn time someone put that bully in his place," he chuckles. "I've told Ben a thousand times to step up, but your sisters got him by the balls." I can't help but laugh at his comment. James is single and much younger than Ben and me, so he doesn't yet understand how incredible it is to have a good woman in your life.

"Can't say I feel bad for him. Serves him right for marrying my sister." I chuckle.

"By chance, is Annelly coming to this dinner?" The way his eyes never stray from the screens as he asks makes me wonder if something is going on between them.

"She's not, why? You interested in her?"

"Hell no," he chuckles a little too hard. "Annelly's a wine and dine kind of girl. The kind you take home to your ma and marry. In case you haven't noticed, I'm more of a 'wham bam, thank you, mam, I'll see myself out now' kind of guy. Plus, I don't have a ma to take anyone home to, so you see, it would never work."

Clapping him on the back, I chuckle. "Whatever you say, Casanova."

Leaving the guest room—turned control room—I move to close the door behind me and catch Nero tipping his head from side to side like he's wondering where I'm going without him. It makes me smile. He's fallen in perfectly with the guys, and I no longer worry about leaving him with them.

Finding Embree in the dining room, I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Hey, sweetheart." Unable to help myself, I kiss the side of her neck and take in her sweet scent. The sound of her soft laughter is like music to my ears. This is how I want my Embree to always feel. Happy, relaxed, and content because she knows she's loved. Because she knows she has my unconditional support. Noticing the dish in her hand, I loosen my hold. "Need any help?"

"No, I'm good." She lays down the last dish and steps back to look over the table. Apparently, her mother is big on presentation, and no matter how hard I tried to convince Embree we didn't need to impress them, she insisted it would make things easier.

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