Its time

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When you told them they just sat there both of them
You apologized and sobbed soon Mina's hand that was rubbing soothing circles on your back was replaced by two big strong arms wrapped around you followed by a dent in the couch and two more arms wrapping around you as you sobbed and hugged each other

You don't know how long you all sat like that but by the time you composed your self enough to register everything
Mina was gone?
Your husbands where hugging you and you where so tired
I hen you finally talked you could barely recognize your own voice it was raspy and broken filled with pain

"I'm sorry about this about all of this"

Both of your husbands immediately hugged you as you sobbed and started mumbling about how it wasn't your fault and how you didn't mean to kiri rubbed your back and hugged you tightly katsuki pulled back and looked you in the eyes

"Listen to me you fucking dumbass of course it's not your fault you didn't know It's ok"

As you sniffled kiri also pulled back

"He's right it wasn't your fault but you should've told us..."

You wiped your tears away and sniffled

"I-I was scared i didn't know how to tell you that- *hiccup* our baby is gone"

Kiri looked at you and cupped your face

"It's ok roomie look we love you so much...and yeah the miscarriage is awful but we will get through this together"

Kats rubbed your back

"See everything is ok"

You sniffed and gave them a watery smile

"Yeah.....I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys I just-.... It was hard so hard and I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you guys to feel as awful as I do"

Katsuki grabbed your cheeks and made you look at him

"Look at me you dimwit ok? We lost our baby and it going to be hard but that's because we are mourning our baby ok we're gonna feel like shit for a little but we will do it together and we're gonna get through it together got it dumbass"

You try to nod your head as tears fall on your squished cheeks katsuki wraps his arms around you again and so does Ei you wrap your left around Kat and right around Ei hugging them close

And in that moment you knew that this was gonna suck but it might suck just a little less because you have both of them with you

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