Your UA days

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If asked bakugou could tell you the exact moment he started liking both of you (or at least realized it)

He realized he like kiri first at the end of your second year he and Suki shared a wall and he woke up from a bad nightmare something not to unusual for him and kiri came in with the (bad) excuse that he couldn't sleep they talked and ate the snacks he brought till they fell asleep
The next morning Suki woke up first and his first thought was "oh fucking shit I like him,...fuck me"

He started liking you in the beginning of 3rd (or realized it) when some assholes decided it would be a good idea to talk shit about Mina's appearance loud enough to everyone in the coffee shop could hear and before anyone could do anything you were up you walked over and kindly told them to piss off when one of them got in your face you pulled them closer and whispered something in his ear they all ran right out of there like scared little puppies (it was the hottest thing he had ever seen) you went back to the table and sat down he knew in that moment

Kiri couldn't tell you exactly when it happened but he could tell you when he realized it

It was during the summer between 2 and 3rd you all somehow managed to get a internship at the same place going into third year meant you could patrol "by yourselves" as long as a hero could could get to you in 5 minutes or less you guys happened upon a simple (and badly executed) bank robbery but that isn't what made him realize no it was after
when roomie and Suki walked up to the shaking and very scared children both no older then 10 and comforted them granted bakugou kinda failed (he yelled) and roomie told him to be quieter (insert teasing augment) making the kids laugh as they argued kiri knew in that moment

KiriBaku x RoomieWhere stories live. Discover now