part 3

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Y/N pov:

It's getting close to 6pm and the party starts at 7pm so I hop up from bed and walk to my bathroom to hop in and have a quick shower.

after about 5 minutes, I hop out of the shower and walk back into my room and dry off before putting on my outfit.

after about 5 minutes, I hop out of the shower and walk back into my room and dry off before putting on my outfit

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I do my makeup with a soft smokey eye and look at myself in the mirror. I smirk softly at myself before I hear Kat knock at my door.

"Come in!" I say as I put on my necklace and see her through the mirror. "Oh my god Kat! You look amazing!" I smile and turn to face her seeing her wearing this

 "Oh my god Kat! You look amazing!" I smile and turn to face her seeing her wearing this

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She smiles and does a spin. "Well you can talk, my god" She says to me.

"Thank you, Thank you" I say giggling and reach over grabbing my phone. "Are you ready to go?"

"Oh yes, let's go" She smiles and grabs my hand pulling me out the door. We make our way down to the car and hop in. "Are you drinking tonight?"

"Uh maybe, gotta get home somehow" I say putting my belt on.

"Oh come onnn, it's time you had some sort of fun, hun" She says as she drives off.

"Okay, maybe one" I say chuckling. We make our way to Sam's place with the rest of the guys. We had to park down the street as there was already so many cars. We hop out and begin walking down to the gate which is open.

"Wow- this is one big house- how many of them live here?" I say looking at Kat. "6 of them, there is Corey, Jake, Sam, Devyn, Aaron and Colby". She says. I stop walking.

"Wait Kat, Colby lives here?" I say looking at her a bit worried.

"Yeah duh, Sam and Colby have always lived together" She says chuckling. "Now come onnn, I want to drinkkk"

I nod and walk inside with her feeling anxious. I pray I don't see him tonight.

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