part 9

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Y/N pov:

It has been a couple days since Colby and I went on a date and we have been texting non stop. He messaged me saying his house is throwing a party tonight and invited Kat and I.

The party was starting at 8pm tonight and it was only 6:30pm so I thought I'd go take a shower.

I walked into my bathroom and stripped then leaned over and turned on the water. I stepped in and out my head back, letting the water run down my face.

After about 15 minutes, I turn off the water and step out, wrapping a towel around me, walking back into my room.

I look through my closet looking for an outfit when I find some clothes and lay them on the bed. I dry myself off before putting on my outfit .

 I dry myself off before putting on my outfit

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I blow dry my hair curling it slightly and sit at my desk doing my makeup. I look through the mirror to see Kat come in.

"Hey Kat" I say.

"Hey, what do you think of my outfit? Is it okay? Not too much?" She says as I turn to look at her wearing this

"Hey, what do you think of my outfit? Is it okay? Not too much?" She says as I turn to look at her wearing this

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I smile at her and say "Kat, you look beautiful. Definitely not too much".

She gives me a big smile and spins. "Okay, Thank you, hun" She says and giggles running off. I smile and go back to finishing my makeup.

It was almost 8pm and Kat and I grab our stuff and I grab my keys leaving the apartment with her. We get down to the car and hop in.

"So how was your date?? You never told me about it." Kat says looking at me. I stay focussed driving but look at her everyone and then.

"Yeah, It was really nice, and it was with Colby" I say smiling.

"COLBY?! What!" She says freaking out a bit.

"Yeah" I smile chuckling. She sits there smiling as we chat until we get there.

I find a spot to park and get out with Kat as we shut the doors and begin walking to the house. We get passed the gates and walk inside as I look around seeing all the people. Kat sees some friends and runs over.

I stand there for a second before Colby comes up behind me, tapping my shoulder. I turn around and smile looking at him.

"Wow.. you look stunning" He says staring at my outfit.

I feel my cheeks flush a little and look down. "Well thank you very much" I say looking back at him.

"Can I get you a drink?"

"Oh, Yeah of course" I say smiling.

"Be right back" He says before planting a peck on my cheek and walking off. I smile and look around.

I was walking around looking for Colby as he hadn't come back with my drink. It had been 20 minutes since he said he would be right back. Maybe he just got distracted. I chuckle a bit and see him standing out the back with Sam and two other guys. I make my way over there when I stop and listen to what they are talking about.

"No those 'friends' she hung out with were fucking mental" Sam says laughing. "And plus, that Y/N chick is still hella weird"

"Dude, I know, I went on a date with that" I hear Colby say as he laughs. I feel that pit in my stomach rise and my eyes burn with tears.

"You went on a date with the chick we bullied? Man you must have felt hella sorry for her" Sam says laughing with Colby.

"God, you should see what she is wearing tonight, I had to tell her she was stunning, when that wasn't the case" Colby says chuckling.

I feel the tears run down my face and plant onto my chest. I see Colby turn his head and see him when his smile drops quickly. I stand there feeling humiliated and angry. I see Sam look behind as well and look at me.

"Busted.." Sam whispers as he grins.

"Y/N, no I-" He tries to speak but I turn around and speed walk out of the house with my make up running down my cheeks. I hear him call my name but I ignore it and get into my car speeding away. I knew he hadn't changed.

Colby pov:

I was talking with Sam about Y/N, listening to him shit talk about her. I didn't know what to do.. I didn't want to Sam to think I like her as who knows what he would do. So I start shit talking her as well.

I was faking a laugh when I turn my head to see Y/N standing there. My smile dropped and I saw her tears run black from her mascara. I have never felt so shitty. I went to talk to her but she turned and walked quickly away.

I put my drink down and try to follow her. It was too late. I saw her drive off and I watched as her car disappeared.

What have I done.

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