part 15

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Y/N pov:

I slowly wake up to the sunlight hitting my eyes. I rub them when I feel a pressure on the side of my waist. I look over to see Colby asleep with his arm holding my waist. I smile a bit and go to move his arm when he tightens his grip pulling me close, pushing his body against mine.

"Where you trying to go, hm?.." He says with a croaky, morning voice.

"I don't know.." I say chucking a bit. I feel him go to roll over when his phone rings and he groans.

He grabs it and answers "Hello?.."

"Dude? Where are you? We are meant to film soon." I hear Sam say through the phone.

Colby springs up and let's go of me, getting out of bed quickly. "Sorry! I went to get coffee early today and I just stopped at a mates place for a bit, I'll be right there" He says before hanging up.

I roll my body over and look at him.

"So sorry, It's just I have to film-"

"It's fine, go." I say cutting him off.

He gets dressed and leans down kissing my cheek softly. "See you soon" He says before running out and leaving.

I sigh and sit up leaning over grabbing my laptop.

"Better start work I guess" I say to myself and start typing.

It had been about 2 hours of me working on my laptop when it decides to shut down again.

"FUCK!" I yell shutting it and getting up. I am so sick of that laptop, but I cannot afford to get a new one. I sigh and get up as I start to clean my room when my phone rings. I go over and answer it "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Colby." I hear him say.

"Oh hey, what's up"

"Can I come pick you up in about an hour?"

"Uh yeah sure, my laptop decided to shut down on me during work, so i'm free" I say chuckling.

"Deal, I'll see you then, love" He says before hanging up.

Love? Wow, already have a nickname. I go to my closet and put on some clothes and look at myself.

 I go to my closet and put on some clothes and look at myself

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(Or choose your own :) )

I put on some makeup, giving myself a light smokey eye. I got to the bed and lay down on my back and scroll through my phone for a bit.

After about 20 minutes I hear a knock. I hop up from the bed and walk out to the door and open it seeing Colby.

He grins at me and holds his hand out. "Come on, beautiful" he says to me as I take his hand smiling.

"Where are we going" I say to him shutting the door behind me as we start walking.

"You'll see"

After a 20 minute drive, We pull up to this dirt parking spot with no other cars and trees all around. I raise my eyebrow and look at him. "Is this where you kill me and dump my body?"

"No, silly" He says laughing a bit as we both step out of the car. "Take my hand, i'll lead the way"

I nod and hold onto his hand tight as we walk into the woods following this dirt path. After a couple minutes of walking, The trees open up, revealing this beautiful lake.

 After a couple minutes of walking, The trees open up, revealing this beautiful lake

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"Oh.. my god.." I say in shock looking straight ahead, admiring the view. "It's so pretty.. how'd you find this place?" I look at him.

"I have my ways" He smirks and lifts me up.

"Uh Colby- what are you doing?" I say looking at him. He doesn't say anything and holds me tight walking down to the water, he stops to take his shoes off and take his phone out and mine as well. "Colby- don't you dare"

He smirk at me and walks into the water holding me. I squeal a little as the water is cold and grip onto him. He laughs and lets me go gently.

"Colby! It's so cold!" I say shivering a bit and swimming over to him.

"Oh I know" He says grabbing my waist pulling me in. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I feel my makeup run down my face and smile, looking into his eyes.

"You are so pretty, you know that?" He says whilst staring at me, admiring.

"Oh really?" I say before leaning in and kissing his lips softly. I feel him kiss me back and pull me close to him.

I slowly pull away and look at him. "You want to stay over again?"

"Oh how I would love to" He says smiling and kisses me again.

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