part 6

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Y/N pov:

I woke up feeling so sick. I hold my head as I sit up and look around. This isn't my room? I look at pictures and see Colby in one of them. Oh god. I turn over slowly but I don't see him. Thank god. I get up seeing I'm not in my clothes anymore and find my dress folded on the dresser.

I walk downstairs kicking red cups as I go and walk to the kitchen. I see some people realising it's Jake, Sam, Kat and Colby. I look at them as they all look at me.

"Ah! Morning! How you feeling?" Kat says walking over.

"Extremely hungover" I say looking at her. "Also did I sleep in someone's room?"

"Uh yeah, Colby's actually" She says.

So I was right. Great.

"Don't worry, I slept on the couch" Colby says looking at me.

"Oh.. Sorry.." I say smiling softly as I feel my throat feel funny. "Uhm.. Where is the bathroom?"

"Uh down to the left" Jake says to me. I nod and hold my stomach running to the bathroom. I race in basically falling in front of the toilet, throwing up last nights vodka.

"Jesus you okay??" I hear Colby's voice and I feel him grab my hair pulling it out of my face.

"I'm- alright" I say flushing the toilet and sitting back. He lets go of my hair and look at him kneeling next to me.

"You know.. I never got your name?" He says to me.

Fuck. What do I say? Do I make up a name? No I can't.

"Oh.. my name is Y/N" I say not looking at him.

He looks at me with a confused look on his face. He looks like he goes to say something but stops.

"Well, Y/N.. Nice to meet you" He says giving me a smile. I nod and he helps me stand up.

"I should probably get home.. I don't want to bother you guys anymore" I say chuckling softly.

"No no please, stay, Corey and Dev have just gone out to get some breakfast. I don't mind you staying, let's me get to know you better" He says as he grabs my hand helping me out of the bathroom. "Wants coffee?"

I smile a little and nod. Why doesn't he recognise me? After all he did. I was his toy. His tease. His fucking joke. Why doesn't he remember bullying me?

I keep my head down as we walk into the kitchen. I walk and stand with Kat as everyone is talking and chatting with each other.

~Skip a little while~

I was back in Colby's room, packing up all my stuff to head home. Kat was going to stay another night with Sam but I needed to head home and get some work done. I was just about finished gathering my stuff when I hear Colby walk in.

"Hey" he says walking towards me.

His smug face. I hate it but at the same time, I don't.

"Hi" I say back putting my shoes on.

"I do hope you are okay from last night, he is such a piece of-"

"Colby, It's fine. I'm over it." I say cutting him off as I fix myself.

He nods. "I also wanted to ask you something.. did we go to the same high school?"

Fuck. No.

"Uh well- maybe" I smile softly.

"It's just- you look so familiar" He says to me looking at me.

"Well.. So do you, but then again.. you are all over the internet" I say chuckling a bit.

"True true" he says chuckling.

"Listen, I've got to go" I say looking down.

"Yeah, no, all good. Hopefully we can meet soon?" He says to me.

"Oh, for sure , yeah" I say giving him a fake smile and put my hand on his shoulder before walking out and heading home.

Maybe he doesn't was to remember.

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