part 5

31 1 0

Y/N pov:

"I said i'm okay, Colby.." I say as I look up at him.

He raises an eyebrow at me. "You know who I am?" He says.


"Uh.. Yeah, I mean, who doesn't?.." I say looking back down. "Look i'm just going to head back downstairs.. I'll see you around" I smile softly and move past him walking back downstairs.

I walk straight to the kitchen to grab a bottle of vodka from the cabinet and walk out the back. I sit down by the pool and takes off my boots putting my feet in the water. I start drinking out of the bottle watching the people splash in the pool with the music booming behind me.

~Skip an hour or so~

I am now laying down on the ground with my feet still in the water with the empty bottle sitting next to me.

The party has died down and most of the people have left. I hear someone walking towards my head and open my eyes seeing Colby. I groan softly feeling very drunk.

"You didn't drink that bottle by yourself, did you?" He says looking down at me.

"Mmm nOpEe" I say shutting my eyes again.

"Alright- Cmon." He says bending down and picking me up. I let my head fall back over his arm not being able to keep it up.

He walks inside as I hear people talking in the kitchen.

"Jesus what happened?!" I hear Kat say as she runs over.

"Oh she just drank.. a lot." Colby says holding me.

"My gosh.. look I can't drive home.. You want to just put her on the couch?" Kat says to Colby.

"Don't be silly. I'll put her in my bed" He says which causes me to bring my head up.

"nO. NoO." I say getting out of Colby's arms and stumbling to the door. "I'll jUst wAlK"

"oh no you're not." Colby says jogging over and swooping me back up. "Let's go" He says as he holds me and walks me upstairs.

I groan and give up as we get to his room and he lays me down on the bed. He leans over and takes off my lashes carefully and places them on the night stand. I let my head fall to the side as he pulls the covers over me and walks out shutting the door behind me quietly.

Has he really changed?

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