part 10

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Y/N pov:

I got home from the party and stumbled to my bed not being able to see from the makeup in my eyes. I walk into my room sobbing and shutting the door behind me. Never have I felt so humiliated. He made me think he'd changed. He is still the same jerk from high school. Same with Sam. I never want to see his face again.

I slid down again the door pulling my knees to my chest, crying into them. It must of been a least an hour of me sitting here. I hear my phone ring but I completely ignore it. I don't want to speak to anyone at all.

I pull myself up and go to my nightstand grabbing out a lighter and a cigarette and walk to my balcony and sit down on my chair. I pull my knees back up to my chest and light the cigarette. I take a few puffs which helps me calm down a bit.

I cannot believe he did this to me.


~Next morning~

Colby pov:

I was down in the kitchen with Same when I see Kat coming downstairs, but she doesn't look too happy.

She walks over and slaps me and then Sam, not too hard.

"What the FUCK is wrong with you both?!"

"ow! wtf Kat?!" Sam and I say looking at her holding my cheek.

"You were talking bad about Y/N?! My best friend?! She just messaged me what you both did! I can't believe you both." She says. I've never seen Kat so angry.

"You took her on a date, complimented her, then go and talk shit!"

"I didn't want to say those things, but Sam was talking about her and Sam is my best friend, I was scared to say anything" I say. Probably not the best excuse.

"You are such a pussy, Colby. And YOU, Sam, are you stupid?! You are a fucking asshole!"

Sam doesn't look at her and keeps his head down, knowing what he did was wrong.

"You both will go over there, and apologise to her. If you don't Sam, I don't think i'll want to see you for a while." Kat says as she storms off and leaves the house.


Y/N pov:

I have not left my bed since I got him. I have changed or taken my makeup off. I have been in bed with my cat all day. I took the day off work which I really needed.

I hear the front door slam which makes me flinch a little then I hear a soft knock on my door.

"Go away.." I say not moving.

I hear and sigh and the door open anyways. I look over and see Kat walk over and sit next to me on the bed. She places a hand on my thigh looking at me.

"I totally didn't yell at them.." Kat says softly.

I smile a little and roll over to face her. "You didn't have to do that.." I say softly.

"Yes I did.. I told Sam I would not talk to him until he came and apologised" She says looking down.

"Kat no.. He's your boyfriend.." I say grabbing her hand.

"And you're my best friend, Y/N.. I care for you and would do anything for you" She says and smiles at me softly.

"Thanks Kat.." I say softly.

"Now cmon.. I'm going out to get you coffee so get up and get changed.. and wipe your makeup off okay?" She says as she gets up and walks out.

I groan a little and sit up as my cat rubs up against my arm. I smile and bit and get up and look in the mirror. God I look bad. I go to grab a makeup wipe when I hear a knock at the front door.

"Kat really, you forgot your keys again?" I say walking to the door and open it.


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