Chapter 7: Kindred

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-Blaze POV-

This town...

Micah has dragged me here more times than I can count. Not once did I not loathe it. I don't like being forced to experience human population. The sounds, the smells, the disregard for the world we live in frustrates me.

When I am forced to be here I never stop and really look or experience it. In fact, I avoid it all cost. The perverse amount of stimulation literally turns my stomach.

But today it's as if my mind is suddenly able to catalogue it without getting overwhelmed.

The sun disappears behind the clouds as it readies itself to set and all the street lights come on.

It's surprisingly peaceful and quietly efficient as some shopkeepers prepare to close for the day while others seem to change the ambiance to fit the coming evening. Moving tables and chairs outside, inviting  passerby's to stay a while.

I vaguely participate in the conversation as Ben, Micah, and my father speak around me.

Luca, and Leif sit back at the bus stop giving us privacy to figure things out.

I can feel Leif's eyes watching me from across the street the sensation so comforting I don't feel the need to meet his gaze.

It never occurred to me belonging to someone could feel like this. Peaceful. It's as if I exist in a way I never did before. Maybe I don't hate this town.

M: 🧠 Brother?
Micah's voice pops into my mind and I look to him.

B: 🧠Yes?

M: 🧠You look far away.

B: 🧠I am.

M: 🧠How at a time like this? Aren't you concerned?

B: 🧠About?

M: 🧠Our mates...they need protection.

B: 🧠It will all resolve itself.

M: 🧠What do you mean?

I roll my eyes,
B: 🧠This is why I stressed to you the importance of reading and keeping an alpha journal.

His expression changes to disgust,
M: 🧠Don't start up with that again. Just tell me.

B: 🧠There are only two ways a wolf can be bound.

M: 🧠What two ways?

B: 🧠Firstly, pups can be bound by their mothers when they are really little.

M: 🧠Why would they ever do that?

My father Laurence speaks before I can answer.
L: 🧠When pups are young they don't know how to regulate a change at all. It has to be done for them from time to time to prepare the bones. If this isn't done the change is more painful later on. The connection between that of a pup and mother is unlike any bound even that of mate. A mother can trigger a change or bind the wolf to stop changes."

M: 🧠Why would a mother bind a wolf away?"

L: 🧠Pups don't usually shift on their own but there are exceptions. Some change once and keep doing it. It's usually for their own protection and it's never long term." My father explains.

Micah is thoughtful as he processes this new information. Which wouldn't be new if he had read the previous Alpha's journals like I told him to.

"What is the second way to bind a wolf?" He asks my dad aloud.

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