Chapter12: Mate is Bond

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Micah burps loudly as he places his utensils onto his now empty plate.

I raise a brow at him and he scoffs, "Sorry." He says placatingly as he reaches across the marble counter to take my empty plate along with his.

He quickly rinses them at the sink before placing them into the dishwasher.

"That was so good. How come I didn't now our baby sister was all grown up?" He asks rubbing his stomach while also yawning.

B: 🧠 I'm impressed. Dinner was delicious.

"I hadn't realized how hungry I was. I can't even remember if we ate this morning." He says as he leads us out of the kitchen.

B: 🧠 I won't be any help. I'm fried.
I reply while also hitting light switch's.

By the time we reach the bedroom I'm running on fumes. I leave the last light to Micah and head straight to the bed.

In seconds I'm comfy beneath the cool comforter with my nose pressed into Leif's soft fur.

I don't lift my head but I listen to Micah as he moves around the room. He turns on the purifying fan before opening the curtains.

"Wow." He says and I finally lift my head.

The moon is high in the sky, almost completely full, and there isn't a cloud in sight. It's the kind of moon that's makes us howl in anticipation of the full moons arrival.

"Is that waning or waxing?" He asks after a few moments in silence.

B: 🧠 Waxing. Why do you ask?

He turns away from the window to look at me.

"We have to teach them Blaze. Like everything. I suppose I just realized how little I have to teach. I rely on you so much and now the biggest test of my life is here...I'm afraid I'll choke." He says sincerely.

B: 🧠 You won't. We'll do it together as we always have. I can't even speak to my mate. I think I'll need to keep relying on you too.

He nods thoughtfully as he walks across the room to turn the light off.
Before getting into bed he takes another long gaze at the sky.

"How is Asher?" He asks as he finally settles beneath the comforter.

B: 🧠Quiet. He feels guilty.

"Finn too."

B: 🧠They must know we're too tired to be angry.

"That, and I'm too grateful to be angry. I found my mate today. I'll never be angry again." He says and I raise a brow at him.

He smirks like he does every time he's caught in a fib before burying his nose in Luca's coat so he doesn't have to admit it.

I chuckle.

"Besides how could we be angry at them for doing what they're made to do? An alpha wolf protects his mate. It's their job to be primal and it's our job to rein it in before they go too far."

I smile,
B: 🧠 How very wise of you alpha.

It sounds as if I'm mocking him but I'm genuinely impressed.

He chuckles, "I thought so too. It's simple balance. I don't think I ever knew what that truly meant until tonight. I always think about how much I need my wolf. I never realized before that he needs me just as much."

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