Chapter 10: Love Sediment

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-Micah POV-


The air inside this room had become so stagnant and stifling. The second a piece of the stain glass window broke a clean gush of air entered and I was as grateful as I was confused. That is until the wolf growls loudly and the window breaks some more. I push my body back with force to shove Blaze out of the way of the spreading glass. The she-wolf growls in outrage.

But before I could wrap my mind around the situation its heavy body drops to the floor with such force the aging wood creaks loudly beneath its weight.

Blaze's panic erupts inside my head as he throws his body against me. I didn't expect the blow and my body topples forward onto the ground inches away from the unconscious wolf.

But I'm hardly fazed before understanding fills me with unparalleled panic.  I shuffle forward on my hands and knees not even bothering to check how asleep it is. I take big handfuls of its long thick coat pulling it off the pups. Blaze is already ahead pushing its heavy body. The second it's limp frame lifts all I hear is the crying terrified pups.

"Are they hurt?!" I scream in panic as I step back and yeet the sleeping beast off of them.

Blaze scoops the hysterical little bodies into his arms as the putrid smell of terror and urine fills the air.

They're terrified and wet. He says as he stands revealing two crying, whimpering pups.

I quickly walk around the form between us to scoop up the white coated pup. Immediately it panics in my arms, struggling wildly to be free while drenching me in urine. I hurriedly hold him still while stabilizing him in my hold so I won't drop him as I secrete calming pheromones. It's shocking how much more it takes to counter act his terror. Pretty quickly I realize it won't be enough. I extend my canine and bring my finger up to my mouth to pierce it.
When I taste blood I apply pressure forcing a good amount of the red liquid to to rush out before forcing my finger into Luca's mouth. He bites me but I hardly feel the pain as I run my bleeding finger along his tongue coating it.
Luca inhales deeply and his whimpering stops instantly as he goes limp.

I turn to Blaze to find him in the same predicament. Arms full of traumatized pup.

"Use your blood." I say firmly and he lifts his panicked gaze to meet mine. He takes a sigh of relief as he attempts to bring his finger to his mouth. Leif takes the opportunity to try to leap from his arms and I put a hand at the scruff of his neck to force him still. He lets out a screeching whine in protest as my brother pierces his finger.

B: 🧠I can hold his neck. Help me open his mouth.

I do as I'm told and release Leif's scruff. Blaze moves the one arm he has beneath the pup up beneath his body. Holding him firm against his broad chest as he try's to pry the bottom of his jaw open. All the while Leif throws a massive fit and urinates all over his shirt. I reach over and take hold of Leif's upper jaw. The moment we successfully opened his mouth my brother sticks his bloody finger inside and glides it against his tongue. No sooner is he retracting his finger than the dark furred pup goes limp against him.

Blaze cradles his pup protectively against his chest.

B: 🧠How do we know if we gave them too much?
His worry and fear blatantly etched on his features and reflective eyes.

I have to consider it a moment. Finn has finally stopped pumping high volumes of adrenaline through my blood. He settled the instant our enemy was subdued and our mate was in our arms.
To my relief the effects of the blood poisoning from the adrenaline and high dose pheromones seems to all ready be withdrawing, the symptoms as-well.  Still, I can't be sure.

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