Ch-1: The Beginning

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Author's POV

A Mandalorian warrior runs through a hail of blaster fire as he advances to an enemy position. The battlefield is a bloody one, bodies of fallen comrades lay before him. But Davin calm and poised on the objective ahead.

"Covering fire!!!! Davin, Go!!!!" Davin's droid companion shouts as he starts firing a torrent of blaster bolts at the enemy.

Jumping up from his position Davin rushed the enemy position with a blaster in hand and thermal detonator in the other. Firing from his blaster hand taking down enemies left and right before tossing the explosives into the fortification.

Davin dove to the ground just before the explosives went off, killing the rest of the enemy marauders. With those actions the day was won but at the cost of the local volunteers who chose to help and fight with their Mercenary leader.

You see Davin was no noble protector of the people, he was simply a hired gun to help a poor collection of independent settlers on an outer rim planet.

He was approached by his trusted companion Scythe, an HK series Assassin droid he had traveled with for many years.

"Goodwork Davin, that's the rest of them." Scythe said to Davin as he looked upon the battlefield.

"Yeah thanks, I'm glad it's over. Hopefully that's it for fighting those marauders." Davin said to his friend before being approached by a local volunteer who had fought in the bloody battle.

"Excuse me Davin. The town leader wants to see you." The motley equipped Miltiaman said as he carried only a sporting blaster rifle. Davin and Scythe didn't wait any longer as they both knew that they were both going to done with this job.

The two approached the leader of the town and was greeted by a sniveling coward of a man who had hired Davin to protect his town.

"Oh thank goodness we hired you Mandalorian!!! Thank the stars for all you've done for us!!!" The leader of the town announced. Davin was not amused by his words as all he cared about was getting paid and leaving.

"I held my end of the bargain now its your turn Mayor....." Davin said as pushed for him to be paid. The coward mayor pretended to forget about his payment but thought twice of crossing not only a Mandalorian but also his droid Assassin.

"Oh yes, here you go...." the Mayor coughed up as he slid a brief case of credits his way. Davin opened the case and was happy to see a neatly packed case of Credits. Davin closed the case and proceeded to leave before the mayor could try to get Davin and Scythe to do anything else.

Before Davin could leave though; out of respect for those he had fought alongside with he helped collect the dead and made sure that townfolks beloved volunteers were returned to them.

Davin looked on from his ship's ramp as he saw people mourn for their loved ones before letting it close. Davin was done with his job given to him and all he could think about was going home now as he sat in his pilot's chair next to Scythe who was the co-pilot.

"Another one done huh?" Davin asked Scythe as he managed the ship.

"Yes, it was bit messier than I expected. But credits talk so it was worth all 30,000 credits we earned." Scythe said as the droid was focused on getting paid as well like Davin.

Just before Scythe could input coordinates for their Hyperdrive jump their long range communications alert went off.

"Who is it from?" Davin asked as he tried relaxing instead of answering the call. Scythe went over the info before replying.

"It's from home. It's your father Davin." Scythe said, this caused Davin to sit up from his seat.

"Let it through." Davin said as Scythe allowed the transmission to come through, what appeared was a halo-projection of a Davin's father Granix Basilisk the leader of his peoples Clan.

"Hello there father." Davin greeted his dad.

"Son. How goes the assignment?" Granix asked him.

"We finished and are heading back now." Davin reported to him.

"Good good. Fine work with this assignment."

"Thank you father, is there anything else I can do for the clan?" Davin asked. Granix shook his head as he knew his son wanted to do nothing but provide credits for the clan.

"No son. You've quite enough." Granix said simply to him.

"Understood we are on our way." Davin said as he cut the transmission. Davin rested in his seat as for once in a long time he could finally go back home. He's been on countless assignments and jobs for many rotations already, away from home was something he was used to but the constant work was grueling and of course luge threatening.

Davin helped Scythe input the coordinates for their Hyperdrive as the two then jumped into hyperspace. The ship in which they flew was known as the Black Arrow a modified HWK-290 a respectable ship of Correllian design.

Due to the Empire's tight restriction on Mandalorian ship industry Davin's clan wasn't really able to field the usual military grade starships of the line as they were heavily restricted and were only allowed for staunch Imperial loyalists.

Despite this Davin's ship was heavily modified with dual forward facing heavy laser cannons and one rear facing laser turret. The ship was equipped with the standard 2.0 Hyperdrive respectively but it's shields were swapped out for more a stronger military grade Mandalorian shields.

All in all the Black Arrow was a ship perfect for a Mercenary like Davin, it had extra cabin room for passengers but was rarely used since Davin and Scythe were the only crew members of the ship.

It was even more rare to have other Mandalorians work with one another as the clan had spread themselves thin from taking jobs all across the galaxy; from working as Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, Bodyguards to even Assassins.

The few times Davin would see others like himself was whenever he would be able to go home, which was on the very border of the outer rim and Unknown regions.

Heck they were closer to the Chiss ascendancy then they were to the closest Imperial outpost. No one dared traveling this far out from the core worlds other then the members of the Basilisk Clan.

End of the chapter

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