Ch-5: Recovery Mission

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Davin's POV

As we landed on the far side of the crash site away from Imperial scanners and sweeps, we noticed that the Imps land near the crashed escape pod.

"They'll be investigating this whole planet soon Davin. We'll have to be quick about this." Scythe warned me as I knew he was right. If we got caught up with the Empire we would put the whole Clan at Risk.

"I know.... Your right. The beacon is coming from the forested area north west of our position." I told him as he brought out speeder bikes for us to ride. We took the speeders and rode as fast as we could to where the beacon was bringing us to. We stopped as we were met by the thick brush of the forest and couldn't possibly go any further on our bikes.

"Looks like we are on foot for now." I told Scythe as we both disembarked from our speeders.

"How long from here?" Scythe asked as he scanned our rear making sure no one had the drop on us.

"From my locator scanner it say 3 clicks from here." I said as I lead the way fourth to the beacon.

Author's POV

As the stormtroopers and their Imperial officer scanned the area, a trooper relays new found information to his superior.

"Sir, we have tracks that lead north west of here. How shall we proceed?" The Trooper asked.

"Hmm... our information states that this escape pod is linked to a Rebel cell. Send a probe droid and ready the other troopers in order to advance on this Rebel scum." The Imperial officer ordered his men.

"Yes. Sir!!!" The Stormtrooper complied as he turned to his other fellow troopers to release the probe droid from their drop ship. The droid was sent off to track Luna as she was trying to hide in the dense forest.

Luna's POV

I ran deeper into the forest as much as I could. The constant moving was exhausting as I had been doing this for some time now. I stopped when I found a place to rest that looked to be secure and not too exposed. I huddled down a top a small rock and sat as I tried catching my breathe.

"Dank Farrik.... I'm beat...." I said to myself as I was gasping for air.

"I really hope I can get off this planet." I said to myself as my breathing started to slow down my heart rate thanfully. As I was about to get up and keep moving I heard a sudden noise in the distance.

I rushed behind a large tree in order to hide from whomever it was. I hid there and heard the footsteps get louder as the approached. I slowly and quietly tookout my blaster and held it at the ready.

As the footsteps got closer I heard them stop, I peaked just enough to get a glimpse of who they were, and too my suprise I saw a Mandalorian and a HK series Assassin droid as well.

As I contemplated slipping away unnoticed, the unexpected conversation halted my escape.

"Is this the location?" inquired the droid.

"Yes, but where's Mason?" questioned the Mandalorian.

Their words struck a chord within me, igniting a idea of hope. Gathering my courage, I cautiously emerged from hiding, realizing that they must be the allies Mason had promised would come to my aid.

"Um, hey," I stammered, my heart pounding as I revealed myself to them. Instantly, they raised their blasters, but I quickly raised my hands in surrender to show I meant no harm.

"Whoa! Who are you?" the Mandalorian demanded.

"I'm Luna. Are you Mason's friends?" I asked nervously, watching as they kept their blasters aimed at me.

"Mason? Where is he?" The man's voice trembled with concern for his friend. I couldn't meet his gaze, knowing what I had to tell him. Mason was his friend, and he deserved to know the truth.

"I'm sorry... he didn't make it," I said, my voice heavy with sorrow. The man lowered his blaster, his hand instinctively reaching for his helmet in disbelief.

"Damn it... then who are you? And why do you have Mason's locator beacon?" His anger replaced his grief as he confronted me.

"We were working together! I'm with the Rebel Alliance; he was helping me smuggle Mandalorian people out of the system, I swear!" I pleaded, desperately trying to defuse the tense situation.

"Davin, I think she's telling the truth," the droid interjected unexpectedly, helping to calm us down. With this I managed to explain everything about Mason and our mission.

"So Mason was helping you guys?" Davin asked, his tone softer now.

"Yes, he was hired by someone looking to leave the system. We worked together for about a month until his ship was attacked," I explained, feeling a ping of sadness at the memory. Davin sighed, his demeanor reflecting the weight of the news.

"We were childhood friends... Look, I'm sorry we were hostile at first. Is there anything we can do to help you?" Davin's softened tone offered me a glimmer of hope.

"I could use a..." My voice trailed off, as I saw a probe droid spying us from behind a tree.

"Watch out, Probe Droid!!!" I shouted as I took out my blaster as I shot the droid out of the air sending sparks and shrapnel bursting out of the exit wound of the droid.

Scythe scanned the area south of us where the droid had came, as we did as well. And to my horror all we could see was a platoon of Stormtroopers heading our way.

"We need to go Davin." Scythe said as he took out his blaster rifle. Davin took out his as well and turned to me before we departed.

"Stick with us, we're going to draw them in and force them to commit their troops so we can circle around and head to our speeders back west of here. Got it?" Davin's strategic plan unfolded before us, and I braced myself for the impending action.

"Are you as skilled with that blaster as you are with your words, or was that shot just luck?" Davin's playful tone hinted at a hint of flirtation as he teased me. His words sparked a smirk on my lips, sensing a growing camaraderie and trust between us.

"Oh, Mandalorian, you'll soon find out," I replied, as I matched him with a hint of intrigue in my voice.

End of the chapter

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