Ch-7: Getting Up

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Davin's POV

A few weeks of rotations later~

I suddenly woke up from my rest as the last thing I remembered before going out cold was being in the Black Arrow and telling Scythe to get us out of there. My first instinct was to get up, but was stoped by the pain in my arm. I slowly but surely managed to sit up onto my bed as I looked around.

I noticed that my clothes were gone and that I was only in my briefs, I tried standing but my head still hurt which caused me to sit back down. As I looked around my room I noticed fresh bandages and a glass of water neatly stacked by my bed side. I assumed Scythe treated me since he was usually one who did.

I took the cup of water, and drank its content before setting it down so I could try to get up. But as I attempted to do so the door to my room opened; it was Luna to my suprise.

"Oh!!! Davin your up!!!" She exclaimed in suprise, causing me to lose my balance. I almost fell forward but she luckily caught me, I didn't know I was that weak after being out.

"Whoa easy now, you need to rest still." Luna said as she helped me back to the edge of my bed.

"Thanks and all but I think I can manage. How long was out?" I asked her.

"You've been out for atleast two weeks."

"Wait, two weeks!?" I exclaimed, shocked at being out for that long.

"Don't worry, Scythe has been handling the ship. Plus, your wounds weren't as severe as they could have been," Luna reassured me, her demeanor calm and professional, instilling my confidence in her medical skills.

But what truly surprised me was her level of care, especially considering we had only met recently. So, I couldn't help but ask, "Why are you taking such good care of me? We only met a few weeks ago; why go out of your way for me?"

Luna paused, her gaze thoughtful as she prepared to change my bandages. "Because you saved my life, even though you could have left me for the Empire. So, the least I can do is take care of you," she explained with a genuine smile, as I sensed gratitude evident.

As she tended to my wound, I winced slightly from the soreness. "Sorry, did that hurt?" Luna asked, as she stopped with concern.

"No, you're fine. Thanks, though. How can I repay you?" I asked, feeling a sense of indebtedness and a desire to do something in return for her kindness.

"You don't owe me anything, honestly," Luna assured me, her attention focused on tending to my bandages rather than expecting payment for her care.

"And there, all done," Luna announced, taking a moment to admire her handiwork. I reached up to touch the bandage on my head, finding it comfortable and secure. Grateful, I turned to Luna and thanked her sincerely for all she had done for me.

"Thanks. I'm guessing you want to go back to your people now, right?" I asked, remembering that Luna had revealed she was a Rebel.

"Well, yes, but I still need to report to my superior about my latest mission. I didn't think it was appropriate to use your comms while I was still taking care of you," Luna explained, her concern for both her duty and my well-being.

"I understand. But I can't let you do all this for me without repaying you somehow. So, *grunts in slight pain* I'll help you get back to your people as payment," I insisted, pushing through the discomfort to rise from the bed, determined to fulfill my part of the bargain.

"Well I guess that'll make us even then. But one thing before you leave....." She said with weird tone in her voice as I got up.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I turned to face her. Her face was flushed red as she looked away from me. That's when I noticed it, I had forgot that I was only in my briefs and was completely shirtless!!!!

Luna's POV

I realized Davin was still shirtless when I entered to treat him. As a doctor, I was accustomed to treating patients regardless of their attire, but seeing him standing there, no longer injured, certainly caught me off guard.

I couldn't help but notice his impressive physique and undeniable good looks, causing me blush due to him not realizing he was still dressed like that. "Oh, I'm sorry... I'll go change. You can wait for me outside," he stammered, feeling slightly flustered by the unexpected sight.

I did as he said still blushing red on my way out of his room. I waited for him as he got dressed but had calmed down once he had came out dressed in normal clothing with a now calmer look on his face.

"Ok all ready." Davin said as he gingerly walked beside me. I could tell he was walking through the pain, but I felt he was used to doing so. Upon arriving to the bridge Davin greeted his droid friend. Scythe who was tending to the controls but turned to greet me as he thought I was the one coming to the bridge.

"Luna, how is Davin...." He said as his shock cut off his words by the sight of his friend.

"Well I feel a bit like crap but I'm doing ok." Davin said with a smile on his face.

"Davin!!! Your up!!!" Scythe exclaimed as he was happy to see him.

"Yup I am, thanks to Luna. Hey let Luna us the comms she needs to use them to get back to her people, ok?" Davin asked of Scythe, who looked at me. Due to me tending to Davin; Scythe came to trust me a bit over that short time. So he just nodded and let me take control of the comms for a moment.

The two stood back as I contacted my superior who had put me on this operation. As the transmission went through we were greeted with the halo-image of someone that caused Davin to speak up.

"Is that who think that is.....?" I cut him off as I greeted the man I was speaking to.

"Hello Senator Organa."

End of the chapter

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