Ch-9: Change of Heart

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Luna's POV

When Davin asked me about why I joined, I sensed a strange feeling emanating from him. My empathic abilities allowed me to perceive his emotions in the moment. I could feel his genuine curiosity and sincerity behind the question.

Despite his initially tough exterior, I noticed a subtle softening in Davin since we first met. Perhaps it was because he believed Mason trusted me, or maybe it was because I had saved his life. Whatever the reason, I found myself feeling comfortable around him, as if we had known each other for much longer than we actually had.

"Well, I joined the Rebellion about two years ago. I started off as a doctor on Zeltros but frequently moved around to different systems to gain more experience and credits," I explained to him, recalling my journey into the fight against the Empire.

"Hmmph, I guess I got lucky then," Davin replied with a kind smile, his attention fully focused on our conversation.

"Yeah, I suppose the same could be said for me with you. But after a while of working from system to system, helping people, I realized I wasn't just doing it for the credits. I felt like I could do more," I continued, reflecting on my motivations.

"After visiting a few worlds that weren't in the best terms with the Empire... let's just say my life changed from then on. The Empire did a lot of terrible things to people that I knew, and I was left trying to put them back together," I trailed off, the weight of those memories still heavy on my heart.

"I'm sorry..... that must have been hard." Davin said to me as he had a caring look on his face. I felt he was being genuine with his words as I looked into his eyes. For some odd reason my body started slowly leaning towards his.

I felt he was starting to reciprocate as well, as he started leaning towards to me also. Just as things started to become more heated a loud robotic voice was heard over the comms.

"Davin, Luna we are here...." Scythe said abruptly causing both of us to back away with flushed red cheeks. Mine being the most prominent due to my pink Zeltron skin.

We both turned away as we were both embarrassed by the sudden break of the moment. I don't know why or what  has caused me to become so drawn to him. I couldn't explain the feelings that I was starting to have for him.

"I think we should go to helm...." Davin said as he turned from me. He got up and started walking ahead as I followed him still a little flustered by our sudden encounter.

As we got to the helm Scythe was manning ship and noticed us as we both came in.

"Good you two are here we are just arriving to the coordinates that Senator Organa had given us." Scythe reported to us.

"Where are we?" Davin asked as I too didn't know the location where we jumped into.

"Hmm... let's see...." Scythe said as he went over the scanners.

"It says the planets name is Bratel 7. Hmm I've never heard of this planet." Scythe said as he was stumped by not knowing this planet.

"I can't say I knew of this place ethier, what about you Luna?" Davin asked me. I just shooked my head as this was new information to me as well.

"Hmm well it looks like we'll all be experiencing this place for ourselves." Scythe said as he flew the ship gracefully down from space into the planets orbit.

We took our seats as Davin sat next to Scythe while I took mine closes to the window. When we flew down I was suprised by the beauty of the whole place. Lush green fields and beautiful sights all around.

The whole place looked to be untouched from any heavy industry for many years. Aside from the small town we were flying down to the planet looked to be kept as it was originally founded.

"This place is beautiful...." I said in amazement as I looked on to the place. I turned to see Davin who was also suprised by the sight.

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Davin said as Scythe gracefully landed our ship on a open landing spot. Davin was first to get up, despite being still injured he almost stumbled but caught himself before I could catch him again.

""Haha! Looks like I'm getting better, huh, doc?" Davin exclaimed happily, relieved that he hadn't taken a tumble. I couldn't help but giggle and shake my head, knowing full well that caution was still the best course of action.

"Just don't push it. Is he always like this?" I asked with a smile, turning to Scythe for confirmation.

"Heh, you'll get used to it. Last time he got shot by a Twi'lek right in the leg, and the next day, after I patched him up, he was trying to hobble away from her," Scythe revealed, sharing a humorous anecdote from their adventures. I laughed at the story, thoroughly entertained by Davin's antics.

"No way! Why did you get shot by her?" I asked, curiosity piqued. Davin seemed a bit embarrassed by the memory.

"Oh gosh, we just had a mutual disagreement," he explained vaguely as we continued walking down the hall.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I inquired, but Scythe interjected before Davin could respond.

"Well, let's just say Davin broke someone's heart on our way off planet," Scythe elaborated cryptically, leaving me to piece together the puzzle.

"Wow, Davin, didn't know you were such a heartbreak kid," I teased, nudging him playfully. He flashed a charming smile as we reached his room so he could get dressed. At the entrance, he turned to me, his demeanor suddenly more serious.

"I really try not to break girls' hearts," he said slyly, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. I couldn't help but smile back, crossing my arms expectantly.

"Hmm, is that so? Why is that, Davin?" I prodded, curious about the deeper meaning behind his words. His expression softened as he looked down for a moment before meeting my gaze once more.

"Because... the only thing I want them to remember about me is all the 'great' things we had together," Davin confessed before disappearing into his room, leaving me with a lingering sense of intrigue.

As I reflected on our conversation, I couldn't shake the feeling of connection that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment. Despite the inevitable parting of our paths, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held for us.

End of the chapter

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