Chapter 2

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excuse any mistakes

Carina Cashmere Greene-Fischer

"Aaliyah I'm headed to work, Lay just pulled up. Get her changed into the clothes I have left on the bed, make her a sandwich or something quick" she nodded laying down

"Which means get up so you can watch her Liyah"

"Ok ma" she said with an attitude as I walked down the hallway shaking my head "where you going?" Lay asked running past me

"Work mamas, go get changed Aaliyah gone watch you until I get off ok?" she nodded going in the house

I closed and locked the door walking to momma Rose car "hey sweetpea" I heard from behind me

I smiled seeing Kamrynn's bright face "hey honey"

We pulled off and headed down the road. Me and Kamrynn have barely spoken due to testing coming up and having to study

She takes her work very seriously and I respect that. Me on the other hand I don't care for it as much but I do it and make the grades that I make which aren't bad because of Aaliyah and Lay

If it wasn't for them I would've given up a long time ago. "Daddy cooking on the grill today you want something?"

"You'll drop it by the house? Not much for them to eat besides leftovers from the other night" I made alfredo Friday and it's almost gone

"Yeah, you want some at work?" I shook my head "I'm supposed to get off at five, the latest is like six maybe seven that I'll get off"

"Just text me if anything changes and I'll bring you something to eat ok?"

"Thank you" I said before the car went back silent until they pulled into the parking lot "alright baby, call me when you about to get off"

"I will" me and Kamrynn got out the car and hugged before I went inside

Clocking in I counted my drawer down making sure it was at 100, when I finished I began recovering until I got a customer

"Hey baby, you work here" nodding my head I gave them my undivided attention "how may I help?"

"I was looking for the car air fresheners, y'all must be out" I shook my head "no ma'am, aisle thirteen it should be if not there's some up front"

"Ok thank you" nodding I went back to doing my task. After finishing recovering she finally decided to check out

I'm just getting here and she's already got a buggy full of random stuff "find everything you was looking for?"

"Baby wipes?"

"Over on the wall" she scurried quickly as I rung up her items. When she came back I had already had half of everything bagged and sitting on the counter which wasn't big enough to hold everything she had

I had two bags in one hand while scanning stuff as she just stood there "get your bags so I can finish?"

"Oh sorry" giving a tight lip smile I gave a small nod. "your total is 180.70"

Inserting her card it beeped indicating her to remove it "it says it's declined"

"Can I do half cash half card?" I nodded "how much do you have in cash?"

"95?" she said counting it before handing it to me for me to do the same. Entering 96 instead, it reduced her total "your total is now 84.70 love"

She inserted her card again before it went through "ok, thank you"

"You're welcome. Do you want ur receipt?" I handed it to her and she walked out. Today was a slow day being that it's Sunday

It's been quiet for about fifteen minutes before we had a rush "Ima need you to sticker some stuff and hard tag it before you go"

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