Chapter 9

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excuse any mistakes

Carina Cashmere Greene-Fischer

Although it's only been about a month or two. I've been trying to stay focused and keep my head straight

Months have been feeling like a repetitive cycle. Wake up just to do the same things over. But here lately everything has been smooth sailing

Which growing up momma always told us if everything seems too good to be true something bad or unexpected is to come

Was she right?

I had work this morning which was my last double that I pulled. The morning was calm, birds were chirping

The air was even still and cool. The house wasn't too loud or quiet

It felt like a fairytale almost. Due to me actually getting a peaceful amount of sleep, I woke up with a peaceful mind

Getting out of bed. I got out my everyday work attire, which consisted of a plain black t-shirt, blue jeans and some beat up old shoes

Sitting my clothes out on the bed, I made sure my moisturizer was in a place of sight that I could just grab after I got out the shower

Walking out the room I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

While the water warmed up I wiped the sleep out of my eyes before brushing my teeth. Doing my oral and face routine I took a quick shower

Lathering my washcloth with my dove white bar soap I began washing

After my quick shower I got out and dried off and walked out the bathroom

"Morning Rina" Lay smiled once I walked into the living room "good morning mami" hugging her, I made me a bowl of cereal

"You want to go with momma Rose today?"

Last night Naomi asked if she could watch Lay and I agreed. Weird but I know Naomi loves and adores Lay's company

"Yes!" she said expressing her excitement "ok, Omi is going to pick you up later ok?"

"Ok. Do I get to take a bath too?"

"Um ask Miracle before you leave ok?" she nodded before walking out of the room. When she left I made sure the door was closed so I could get dressed

I checked the time seeing everything was going perfect

I didn't have to be to work until nine it's only seven thirty so I'm not complaining. I got dressed and made sure I smelt decent and good for the remainder of my shift

Probably won't being that I'm going to walk. So I packed my deodorant and perfume in my bag

"Alright LayBug, go to bunny room and lay down with her until she wakes up" Miracle has been working more days here and there and I'm beyond thankful

She works after school during the week and whenever on the weekends. But since she likes to go out on weekends she takes morning shifts

Today is one of her days off so she's probably not going to do much today. On the way down the road I texted her letting her know to give Lay a bath at ten fifteen and to feed her something to hold her over until she gets to momma Roses' house

Momma doesn't need any medicine but she may have cold sweats again so I told her to be sure to give her extra blankets, water, soup, and a warm rag

As for Jonathan, I bought him beer and cigarettes yesterday so he shouldn't need anything. Let alone nothing from my sister

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