Chapter 11

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excuse any mistakes

Carina Cashmere Greene-Fischer

"Hello Welcome to Hamilton Inn" I greeted the customer as they came in "we booked online" I nodded with a smile "can I get a name and form of identification please?" he pulled out his wallet giving me his ID "should be Willis" I typed in the name pulling it up

"You also prepaid as well?" he nodded "ok, here's your key and if you need anything feel free to give me a call and I'll be more than happy to help"

"Alright thank you so much" I can't wait for my break and it's just barely twelve. In all honesty this is the most chillest job I've ever had. Who would complain about giving people key cards all day? Half the time people are paying and booking in advanced so really your job is done for you

Technology maybe the death of this world but it helps with a lot. I pulled the rolling chair up so I could sit down and watch a movie until my break "Carina when you get the chance you'll make sure that room 496 and 315 are available?" my manager asked catching me all the way off guard

"Did I scare you?" I laughed lightly nodding my head "but you did hear what I said right?"

"Yeah I'll go check on them during my break"

"Ok thank you" she walked off and I went back to enjoying my movie. I soon clocked out and headed to check on these rooms. My phone started vibrating in my back pocket, I smiled seeing the contact picture of when Harmony was first born with Miracle holding her

Answering the call her pretty face lit up when she saw me "hi my pretty baby. What is her doing? Hm?"

"Tell her what you do today" she was fascinated by whatever had her attention "say dada took me to the splash pad— momma no" Harmony said making Aaliyah be quiet "getting bullied by a two year old is just preposterous"

"Girl" I love their little relationship. "I would never" I shrugged my shoulders going to check in the next room

"What you doing?"

"Checking these rooms" in all honesty were not supposed to do anything related to work on our break but oh well. I would probably forget before my break ended anyways "you on break" I nodded closing and locking the door back

"You'll send me thirty?" she asked cheesing "yeah" I said after ordering my food and sending her the money "how was the other night? Did you like it?"

"Yeah, I'm still exploring every little thing that they have to offer. Want to find some good places for when you come up here we can at least have some kind of fun together"

This weekend I was planning on going out to a brunch spot and checking it out. As far as outings for us? Not really

But I did go to this one club with Kamrynn once when she came to visit. It was pretty okay. "Oh I did go to this club like some months back with Kamrynn"

"What's it called?" She yawned "don't remember, hold on let me text her right quick" Harmony made conversation with Aaliyah while I texted Kamrynn

"She said it's the Grand Boston. I looked and it looks pretty nice" at the time me and Kamrynn went I was out of it

I felt out of place since I was really just trying to get accustomed to the new environment. I was barely going out unless it was for work

Barely even then but I had to get out of my shell at some point "did you like it?"

"I was more iffy about it then anything. But would so go back for a redo? Most definitely" she nodded her big head

"Why you laughing?" she asked "you really do have a big head. I see what granny was saying" she hung up the phone make me die laughing

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