Melissa - Character Profile

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ALL ART IS MINE YALL (except for the references i used while making it, they belong to their og creators)


Name: Melissa Jalil-Mepha (Yegani first name is spelt Åhelissa but the first syllable cant be pronounced in any human languages, it sounds like a mix of a growl and a dolphin whistle)

Nicknames: "Mei-Mei" "Mel"

Height: 5'11'' (179 cm)

Weight: 97kg (including her tail)

Sex: Cisgender Female

Sexuality: Technically, all Yeganis are pansexual, but they respect the concept of sexuality among other cultures as they understand and share the importance of identity


Species: Tropophillic Yegani (tropical regions of Castilla D, her native planet)

Pronouns: She/Her

Immediate family: Sa'mel (mother), Kathanoe (father, deceased), Teregi (older sister), Riha (younger sister), Esj'hani (baby sister), Tahmei (older brother), Katani (younger brother)

Appearance: Mel's appearance is truly striking, starting with her pink iridescent skin that gleams in the light. The colour-changing sections of her body, including her forearms, face, ear webbing, tail webbing, and legs, add an ethereal quality as they shift hues in response to her brain chemistry. Bioluminescent pearls line her body, casting a soft, otherworldly glow. Her fierce sharp teeth and long blue tongue hint at her unique physiology, while her long webbed tail, reminiscent of an axolotl's but horizontal, adds to her semi-aquatic charm.

Her long, thick pink eyelashes frame her large, expressive ombre yellow and blue eyes, which transition from yellow at the top of the iris to blue at the bottom with elegant pearls on the inner corners of her tear ducts. Cascading down her back is her long, ombre curly hair, flowing from blonde to pink, to purple, and finally to blue at the very tips. She mostly wears it out, but occasionally puts it up in traditional Yegani braids. Her ears, also long and pointed, boast the same colour-changing capability as the rest of her colour changing sections.

Mel's toned, athletic/muscular hourglass figure is accentuated by her above-average height. Long, retractable pink claws add to her formidable appearance, while a heart-shaped colour-changing section on her face adds a touch of whimsy. Her plump pink lips often rest in a smile, giving her a welcoming demeanor, complemented by her ski slope nose. Altogether, Mel's appearance is a harmonious blend of beauty, wildness, and strength.

Age: 25 in Yegani years, 50 in human years. So shes biologically 25, chronologically 50.

Birthday: July 2nd , making her a Cancer.

Blood Type: O+ (She has blue copper-based blood because she's a Yegani)

Languages: Yegani (both traditional & simplified) and English

Disabilities: ADHD (90% of Yeganis have ADHD, Autism, or both due to their unique psychology and brain structure)

Personality: Mel is a whirlwind of energy and enthusiasm, with an impulsive personality that's impossible to ignore, she's practically a firestorm with skin and a tail. Super friendly and outgoing, she has a knack for making friends wherever she goes, effortlessly drawing people into her orbit with her infectious laughter and warm smile. Her voice is often heard above the din, as she's very loud and not afraid to speak her mind.

Chaotic and unpredictable, Mel's behaviour can sometimes veer into animalistic, aggressive or even feral territory, a remnant of her Yegani psychology (for example, bearing teeth, growling/hissing, pinning her ears back, etc.). When provoked or faced with a threat, her primal instincts kick in, and she's not one to back down from a challenge. But beneath her wild exterior lies a heart of gold.

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