Mccoy/Sokha - Confession

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[The scene takes place in McCoy's quarters on the Enterprise. Sokha is sitting on the couch, nervously fidgeting with her hands, while McCoy is pacing back and forth.]

McCoy: [stops pacing and sighs] Sokha, what's on your mind? You've been quiet all evening.

Sokha: [looks up, meeting McCoy's gaze] Len, there's something I need to tell you. Something important.

McCoy: [sits down beside Sokha, concern etched on his face] You can tell me anything, Sokha. You know that.

Sokha: [takes a deep breath, gathering her courage] I... I wrote something for you. A poem, actually.

McCoy: [surprised] A poem? Sokha, I had no idea you were into poetry.

Sokha: [blushes] Well, in Klingon culture, love poetry is... a common thing. It's how we express our feelings.

McCoy: [smiles softly] I'd love to hear it.

Sokha: [clears her throat nervously before reciting her poem] "In the chaos of the universe, amidst the stars so bright, I found my anchor in your arms, my guiding light. With each beat of my heart, I feel your love anew, for in your embrace, I've found my home, my truth." Sorry if it sounds cheesy... it doesn't translate well from Klingon to English.

McCoy: [speechless, he reaches out to gently cup Sokha's face in his hands] Sokha, that was... beautiful. I had no idea you felt that way about me.

Sokha: [takes McCoy's hands in hers, her gaze unwavering] Len, you mean everything to me. You've shown me what it means to love and be loved in return. And I... I want to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much you mean to me.

McCoy: [overwhelmed with emotion, he leans in closer to Sokha] Sokha, I... I feel the same way about you. More than you'll ever know.

[Their eyes lock, and in that moment, the tension between them is palpable. Slowly, they lean in and share a tender, passionate kiss, sealing their love for each other.]

[As they pull away, McCoy looks into Sokha's eyes, his heart overflowing with love and gratitude.]

McCoy: [whispers] I love you, Sokha. With all my heart.

Sokha: [smiles, tears of joy glistening in her eyes] I love you too, Len. Always and forever.

[They share another kiss, knowing that they've found their home in each other's arms.]

[Later that evening, Sokha and McCoy sit together on the couch, enjoying each other's company in comfortable silence. McCoy wraps his arm around Sokha's shoulders, pulling her closer as they watch the stars twinkle outside the viewport.]

McCoy: [breaking the silence] You know, Sokha, I never thought I'd find someone like you.

Sokha: [rests her head on McCoy's shoulder, sighing contentedly] And I never thought I'd find someone like you, Len. But I'm so glad I did.

McCoy: [smiles, pressing a kiss to Sokha's forehead] Me too, Sokha. Me too.

[They sit together in peaceful silence, their love for each other filling the room with warmth and light.]


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