Spock NSFW Alphabet HC

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Spock nsfw alphabet bc im an idiot (w Mel ofc bc melisspock 4 lyfe. Also these are my personal hcs so if u don't agree w them then whatevs)

A – Aftercare: Because sex/intimacy is such a big deal to Spock, and bc when he allows himself to feel it's REALLY intense, He's usually absolutely SPENT after sex. He tries very hard to stay up to help clean up and take care of his partner, and while most of the time he's able to fight off the fatigue, if he's comfortable enough, he usually falls asleep pretty fast because of how intense his orgasms are. He loves words of affirmation after sex, comfortable silence, and surprisingly, he's super cuddly afterwards, wanting to be as close to his lover as possible in such a vulnerable state. Also, if he isn't too sore or tired, he'll ALWAYS go to the bathroom after sex to prevent UTIs. he's such a scientist lmao

Because Mel is so devoted and pampers him so much during aftercare, Spock can usually feel comfortable and relaxed enough to rest. He secretly loves how she pampers him, shyly thanking her. He's almost ALWAYS extremely tired after sex with Mel because of her sheer intensity and power in the sheets. Most of the time, he's clinging onto her for dear life lol, bless his heart.

B – Body part (their favourite part of their body or their partner's): Despite his outward demeanour, composed and stoic, Spock is surprisingly a little insecure about his body. He never really viewed it as important, thinking it's illogical to place such value on one's physical appearance, but his human side sometimes gets the better of him and his already low self-esteem and feelings of alienation make him view his body as unimportant and unworthy of love. He keeps these feelings to himself of course, only sharing it with people he truly trusts, like Kirk or Mel. In terms of particularly sensitive areas, his hands are really sensitive because of his Vulcan physiology. He's also surprisingly VERY responsive around his nipples, ears and abdomen, specifically his pelvic area. If he's touched in any of the aforementioned areas in a sexual manner, he'll absolutely FOLD.

In terms of his partner, he honestly just loves their whole body. His eyes and hands will wonder all over his lover if they're comfortable, studying them intensely as if he were admiring a sculpture. He's particularly fond of hands, a mix of a Vulcan culture thing and the way they can be used.

When it comes to Mel, he's absolutely in love with her facial expressions (her eyes particularly) and her musculature. He gets all flustered when she gives him that absolutely devilish look, and he goes weak in the knees at the sight of how shredded Mel is. He sometimes feels a bit gay for admitting it (lmao) but he LOVES how buff and sometimes masculine she is.

C – Cum (anything to do w jizz): One thing to know about this man is that he shoots HUGE loads. Like absolutely massive, thick, hot pumps (ok tmi LMAOOO). His pullout game is immaculate if it's needed bc of his quick and disciplined brain, but if it isn't needed, he's ALL IN, absolutely DESPERATE to climax inside his partner. ESPECIALLY if he's in Pon Farr, his mating urges make his body almost feel like it NEEDS to bust inside his partner. Because of his Vulcan upbringing which urged him not to indulge in desire, he has a lot of built up tension in there, and when it's released, it's like a goddamn explosion.

D - Dirty Secret: Because he never had sex outside of his Pon Farr period (before meeting Mel) he thought he was vanilla, but oh boy did that change when he met Mel. Mel made him discover A LOT of things about himself because of how openly kinky and unabashed she is in her sexuality.

Despite his imposing figure and sometimes intimidating, cold demeanour, he is surprisingly submissive in bed. Intimacy is a big deal to him when it happens, so he's often overwhelmed by the emotional intensity. Much to his own surprise, he often LOVES the feeling of being dominated, relinquishing his usually unflappable control to his lover, a gesture of vulnerability (and bc he just fuckin loves it LMAOO it turns him on).

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