Mel/Spock - A Dove amidst the Smog (angst/comfort)

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ok before u read this, everything Sa'mel says is in Yegani bc she doesn't know English.

for the full effect, listen to "Shutting down Grace's lab" by James Horner on loop while reading this lol

As Mel and Spock rounded the corner, their hearts sank at the sight that greeted them. The once vibrant, joyful village was now a scene of unspeakable horror. Bodies, both Yegani and Klingon, lay strewn across the blood-soaked ground like discarded puppets. Limbs twisted at grotesque angles, faces frozen in expressions of agony and terror.

Mel's breath caught in her throat as she recognized the lifeless forms of her friends and family among the carnage. Tears welled up in her wide eyes, blurring her vision as she stumbled forward, her long ears flattening against her head and her hands trembling as she reached out to touch familiar faces, now cold and still.

The stench of death hung heavy in the air, mingling with the acrid scent of smoke and blood. Mel's ears rang with the echoes of screams that still seemed to reverberate through the air, haunting reminders of the violence that had torn through her village.

Unable to contain her grief any longer, Mel collapsed to her knees, her mournful screams of anguish tearing through the silence like a knife. She clawed at the ground, her sharp nails digging into the dirt as if seeking to anchor herself to some semblance of reality amidst the nightmare unfolding around her. Her tail wrapped around her legs, as if trying to shield her from the horrifying reality before her.

Spock knelt beside her, his usually stoic demeanor crumbling in the face of such devastation. He wrapped his arms around her trembling form, offering what little comfort he could as she sobbed uncontrollably against his chest. Words seemed inadequate in the face of such overwhelming loss, and so they clung to each other in silence, finding solace in the warmth of their shared embrace amidst the cold, cruel reality of war.

In the distance, Mel faintly noticed two figures coming towards them, one tall, one short. She squinted, trying to make out any discernable features. She noticed that that larger silhouette seemed asymmetrical, one arm alot shorter than the other, as if it were removed entirely. Mel's fragile heart dropped as the made out the finer details of the approaching figures, the double pronged ears and puffy pigtails of the smaller figure, and the recognisable sway of the taller figure's long loincloth.

Mel's eyes widened in shock and anguish as she pieced together who the figures were; Her sisters, Teregi and Riha. Spock's expression also shifted in worry, recognising the girls from the time he had spent bonding with Mel's family.

As Teregi and Riha approached, their figures haggard and battered, their tails dragging tiredly behind them, Mel's heart constricted with a mixture of relief and despair. She desperately scrambled to her feet, her eyes locked on her sisters as they drew closer, each step a painful reminder of the horrors they had endured.

Teregi's face was drawn with exhaustion, her remaining arm wrapped protectively around Riha's trembling form. Blood stained her body and torn clothing, evidence of the fierce battle they had fought to survive. Riha's eyes were wide with fear, her tail tucked between her legs as she clung to her sister's side, doing her best to avert her young eyes from the horrifying sight of Teregi's bleeding stump of an arm.

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