Mel/Spock - First Time (FLUFF&SMUT)

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listen to love drought by beyonce or versace on the floor by bruno mars while u read this for the best effect LMAO. ANYWAY this scene is set early in their relationship, the first ever time they had sex with eachother

The soft glow of the Enterprise's quarters cast a gentle light on Mel and Spock as they sat close together. Mel's body radiated warmth and strength, her ombre eyes sparkling with affection as she gazed at Spock. He sat still, his posture tense but his eyes soft, filled with a mixture of longing and hesitation.

They had been sharing alot of quiet moments together recently, enjoying each other's presence, when the intimacy between them began to deepen. Mel leaned in, her soft lips brushing against his in a tentative kiss, her claws gently caressing his waist.

Spock responded, his kisses growing more assured, but there was a subtle tremor in his touch. Mel noticed, pulling back slightly to look into his eyes. "What's wrong, baby?" she asked softly, her voice full of concern and love.

Spock took a steadying breath, his gaze averted momentarily before meeting hers again. "Mel, I must admit... I am feeling somewhat.." He paused. "...nervous."

Mel's heart melted at his earnest admission. She reached up, cupping his face in her hands, her fingers tender against his skin. "You're nervous?" she repeated, her voice tinged with both amusement and adoration. "Aww, Spock.."

Spock's cheeks flushed a faint green, his eyes flicking down to the floor. "I.. I am uncertain how to proceed. This level of intimacy is... new to me."

Mel smiled, her expression softening even more. She leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "Hey, there's no need to be nervous. We'll take it slow, okay? We'll figure it out."

Spock nodded, his tension easing slightly as he took comfort in her words. "I-... I trust you."

Mel's heart fluttered at his words. She leaned in again, her kisses growing deeper and more confident, her hands exploring his body with a gentle touch. Spock responded, his nervousness gradually giving way to a growing sense of trust and connection.

Their kisses became a dance of tenderness and passion, a slow build of intimacy that left them both breathless. Mel's fingers traced along Spock's jawline, her touch reassuring and loving. "See?" she whispered against his lips. "Nothing to be nervous about, Spocky."

Spock's eyes were half-closed, his breaths coming in shallow gasps. "Your presence is... calming."

Mel chuckled softly, her laughter a warm, melodic sound. "Good. Because I plan on making you feel like this a lot."

Spock's hands found her waist, pulling her closer. "I... I look forward to it..." he murmured, his voice filled with a slight, newfound ease.

They continued to kiss, the tension between them dissolving into a beautiful blend of love and desire. Surrounded by the quiet hum of the ship, they found solace in each other, their connection growing deeper and stronger with every shared breath and touch.

As the intensity between them grew, Mel's kisses deepened, her hands wandering over Spock's body with increasing fervor. Her touch was electric, searing almost, sending shivers down his spine. She could feel the heat rising within her core, the primal Yegani instincts urging her to draw him closer, to claim him completely as her mate.

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