Mel/Spock - Temptation (Fluff&NSFW)

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THIS IS MY FIRST TIME POSTING SMUT SO SOZ IF IT SUCKS LOL (the smut is later in the thing just hold on yall)

The bridge of the Enterprise was unusually quiet, the hum of the ship's systems providing the only background noise. Mel, restless as always, found herself fidgeting in her seat, her long ears twitching with boredom.

Without warning, she shifted her position, flipping herself upside down in her chair with practiced ease. Her legs and tail dangled over the backrest, her long hair cascading toward the floor. At first, no one paid much attention. They were used to Mel's unconventional behaviour by now. But then, curiosity piqued, Mel decided to entertain herself by attempting a daring feat.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she started spinning in her inverted position, the chair swivelling rapidly beneath her. The other crew members glanced over, their interest piqued by Mel's antics.

"Mel, what are you doing?" Kirk asked with a soft chuckle, unable to hide his amusement as he watched her whirl around upside down.

"Just seeing how fast I can spin before I fall off!" Mel replied cheerfully, her laughter filling the otherwise quiet bridge.

As the chair spun faster and faster, the others couldn't help but join in, cheering her on as she defied gravity with her playful antics. For a brief moment, the boredom of the bridge was forgotten, replaced by the lighthearted energy of Mel's impromptu game.

With a whoop of laughter, Mel's spinning reached its peak, and she flew off the chair, landing with an amusing slide across the floor. She popped back up, unfazed by her fall, and shook herself off like a wet dog, her long ears swinging endearingly as her tail wagged excitedly behind her.

"Round two!" she declared, her enthusiasm infectious as she bounded back toward the chair, ready to dive into another round of upside-down spins.

The rest of the crew couldn't help but chuckle at Mel's boundless energy and playful spirit. Even Spock, usually the epitome of stoicism, allowed a small smile to tug at the corners of his lips as he watched the antics of his unpredictable mate.

As Mel resumed her spinning, laughter filled the bridge once more, banishing the boredom and bringing a sense of camaraderie to the otherwise mundane atmosphere. For a brief moment, they were all caught up in the joy of Mel's infectious enthusiasm, enjoying the simple pleasure of laughter and companionship amidst the vast expanse of space.

Mel's chair spun faster and faster, her laughter filling the bridge as she continued her playful game. However, after a while, Spock couldn't help but intervene, reaching out with his hand to gently stop the spinning chair.

"Mel, you may injure yourself if you continue at this pace," Spock cautioned, his tone soft but firm. As much as he secretly loved watching her goof around, he didn't want her to hurt herself.

Mel pouted comically, her head lolling to the side as she leaned against Spock's arm. "Aww, but it's so much fun, Spock! Besides, I'm an expert at falling off chairs!" she teased, flashing him a mischievous grin.

Spock couldn't suppress a small chuckle at her antics, his gaze softening as he looked down at her. "Nevertheless, I would prefer if you refrained from risking injury," he replied, his tone affectionate as he reached out to brush a stray strand of hair from her face.

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