Alvani - Character Profile

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Name: Alvani Xerena-Mepha (the X is pronounced as a click)

Nicknames: "Vani" "Alli" "Ni-Ni" "Haremi" ("Sleepy" in Yegani)

Height: 5'5'' (170 cm)

Weight: 98kg (including her tail)

Sex: Cisgender Female

Sexuality: Pansexual with a preference for men (Technically, all Yeganis are pansexual, but they respect the concept of sexuality among other cultures as they understand and share the importance of identity)


Species: half Tropophillic Yegani, half Cryophilic Yegani (tropical and arctic regions of Castilla D, her native planet)

Pronouns: She/Her

Immediate family: Solaje (mother), Xalmero (father), Kemija (younger sister), Pasahí (baby sister), Rohaje (younger brother), Kekoa (baby brother)

Appearance: Alvani, with her striking and otherworldly Yegani appearance, commands attention wherever she goes. Her iridescent purple skin seems to shimmer and gleam under the light, casting an ethereal glow that captivates those around her. Bioluminescent pearls adorn her body, tracing delicate patterns along her arms, legs, and tail, their soft light pulsating in harmony with her movements.

Colour-changing sections on her forearms, legs, face, ears, and tail webbing add to her mesmerizing allure, shifting hues in response to her ever-fluctuating brain chemistry. These vibrant displays serve as a visual representation of her emotions, painting a vivid portrait of her innermost thoughts and feelings.

Standing at an average height, Alvani possesses a voluptuous, buxom/curvy body type that exudes confidence and grace. Her ample bust and wide hips, a testament to her half Ice Yegani heritage, accentuate her feminine curves, drawing the eye with every sway of her hips.

Alvani's siren-like, mono-lidded dark blue eyes hold a magnetic charm, framed by long, thick purple eyelashes that flutter with every blink. Her glossed lips, plump and violet, rest in a soft pout, inviting those around her to succumb to her enchanting presence.

Her long, braided purple hair cascades down her back, each strand adorned with colorful beads that shimmer and dance with her movements. Thick bangs frame her face, accentuating her delicate features and drawing attention to the three little pearls adorning the bridge of her nose.

Sharp teeth and long, retractable claws hint at her primal nature, a reminder of her Yegani ancestry, both Ice and Jungle, and the untamed beauty that lies within her. A long, blue tongue adds to her mystique, a tantalizing glimpse of the depths of her otherworldly allure. Her long muscular tail sways and undulates behind her, it's webbed appearance adding to her semi-aquatic allure.

In every aspect, Alvani is a vision of otherworldly beauty, a creature of light and shadow, grace and power. With her captivating presence and mesmerizing aura, she leaves an indelible impression on all who have the privilege of encountering her.

Age: 25 in Yegani years, 50 in human years. So shes biologically 25, chronologically 50.

Birthday: March 17th , making her a Pisces

Blood Type: B+

Languages: Yegani (both traditional & simplified) and English

Disabilities: Autism (90% of Yeganis have ADHD, Autism, or both due to their unique psychology and brain structure)

Personality: Alvani is the epitome of a smooth operator, effortlessly navigating the intricacies of social interactions with grace and charm. Calm and collected, yet lively and smiley, she exudes an irresistible charisma that draws others to her like moths to a flame. With a penchant for making people laugh, she finds joy in spreading happiness and brightening the lives of those around her.

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