(🎰/🕸️🩷)[the mess at the casino.]

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GUYS BEFORE I START THIS I WANNA SAY THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!!!!!! this is my first time writing a fanfic in years and i'm sorry if its not well thought out😭 also SORRY THAT I KEEP EDITING SHIT- i have no idea if that gives u guys notifications but i'll try to stop eventually :,)
also if this is shitty, it's because its 3 in the morning and im severely sleep deprived 😻
when i got back to the casino, i didn't want angel to know about what i had got him yet, so i went around to the back of it first. i have no idea if he's in his room or not, however i'm guessing not?
i took a breath and went in through the window. thank god, he actually wasn't in there or that would've been.. awkward to say the least. i take the necklace and set it on his bed, leaving right after.
after i left, i went back to the main entrance, acting like i had just got there. as soon as i walked in, angel saw me and ran over to me, not letting me see what happened.
all he did was grab one of my hands, running me outside.
"huskyyy~ heyy.. so uhm.. maybe don't go inside right now? aha.. i can uhm.. keep ya company out here, though!!~"
"the fuck happened, angel? i was literally gone for an HOUR. what could've possibly gone so wrong?"
"so uhm.. funny story.. i was sort of flirting with uh.. two guys at once and they.. started insulting each other? uhm and that eventually broke out into a fight.. and uh.. w-well now.. some things kind of got messed up.. b-but please don't be mad!! i'll make it up to you.. i-ill do anything.."
"..how much got 'messed up'?" i say, kind of irritated.
"just like.. s-some slot machines and uhm.. other stuff.." he says, quietly.
goddamnit. i walk in, angel following behind me.
"EVERYONE FUCKING OUT." i say, as everything goes quiet.
after everyone leaves, i inspect the damage done. it's.. pretty bad. that's jealous demons for ya. i turn to angel.
"angel, we talked about this, did we not?"
"y-yea but.. i- uhm.. are you mad?"
"a little, yea. i specifically told you to just bring customers in, and let them gamble."
"shit.. i'm.. sorry husk. i'll uh.. i'll go."
and with that, he left, walking to his room. fucking hell, i feel bad again. i'm an asshole to everyone, why is it so difficult with him? i sigh again, not wanting to deal with the mess and walk over to the bar, getting myself a whisky.
shit, shit, shit, shit.. husk is gonna fucking kill me. i run into my room, fighting back tears. why do i always do this to myself?
..and that's when i see it. a box, with 'angel' written on it. the..hell? how did this even.. get here?
i open it up, and to my surprise, there's a necklace inside. no note or anything, but it has a heart on it.. did.. husk.. do this? i.. don't want to assume anything, this doesn't seem like something he'd ever do.. maybe i should ask? i don't know.. he's already mad at me.. oh, fuck it.. if he's already mad, i don't think it matters.
i put the necklace on, it matches with my outfit, (ex. a light pink crop top, with black small shorts, and obv the boots.) i.. really like it.
so, i walk out, looking for husk. he's not in his office, so there's only one other place he could be.

new soul,, (huskerdust fanfic c:)Where stories live. Discover now