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GUYS GUYS SO I MET BLAKE OH MY FUCKING GOD IM WRITING THIS ON THE DRIVE HOME LMFAOO BUT DUDE IT WAS SO COOL I GOT HIS AUTOGRAPH AND A PIC W HIM YALL IM SCREAMING AND CRYING WTF. i didnt like say much tho bc bro I WAS SO FUCKING SCARED OH MY LORDDDDDD🙏 my bsf met kristina n joel too lol😭 ts was so fun but the con was so fucking crowded but the cosplayers there were so talented holy shit😭🙏🙏 nd people recognized me n my bsf RAHHH
anyways sorry for ranting, onto the story bc i know u've been waitinggg 🤭
lil warning, this will have angst from husk and angel in it,, sorry for all the angst i swear i'll make up for it soon<3
a fucking vee? oh shit.
"alright just.. just give me a damn minute.", i say, rubbing my head.
after a moment, i walk over to the entrance, to see a familiar tv headed man greeting me.
"..husker,,how are you?" he says, in that same 'charming' voice he uses for tv. ..i know its all bullshit.
"oh, fuck off. what do you want, vox?" i say, staring daggers at him.
usually i wouldn't mind him, even if he is a bit annoying, but now that i know about val, about how he most likely knew everything that happened and didn't do anything.. i can't fucking stand him anymore.
"a word? with you,", he clears his throat, "can i come inside, please?"
"..fine.", i say. i feel like i'm making a mistake but..what if it's about angel? god, i hope it's not.
i lead him inside to a table, and sit down. he sits after i do and rests his screen or whatever on his hands.
"so,, i wanted to talk to you,, about your casinos." he says, but he sounds sarcastic, like he didn't even wanna be here..
"okay, why?", i finally say something without a hint of being passive aggressive, mostly because i want this conversation over with and for that shitbag to spit out whatever he's gonna say as fast as possible.
"you see, i was wondering if you wanted to make a deal? simple, really. i promote them on my show, and in return i get maybe some earn-"
as his sentence cuts off, i feel a familiar pair of hands wrap around my neck.
he looks at me, finally speaking "hiya husk!!~ who're ya tal-"
as i was speaking, i was walking around the booth where husk was sitting.. and thats when i saw vox.
i turn to husk, quickly, "what the fuck is he doin here?" my voice is sharper than usual, i only realized that after i saw the shocked look on husk's face.
"angel! haha, so good to see you, a-after all of this time." as he spoke, i could hear him glitching, he was nervous. it had only been a few weeks since i got here,, why is he saying it like that? ..what's he trying to do?
i don't respond, only staying close to husk.
we sat in awkward silence for a moment, before he.. glitched out and fucking.. fucking val appeared on his screen.
what.. what the fuck? he glitched out, but that didn't stop tears from rolling down my cheeks, i don't know what just happened, but i need to get out of here,, before husk sees me crying, why.. why isn't husk reacting to this? what's going on??
i run away, trying to stop the crying for as long as possible.
what the fuck just happened? i look at vox, and he looks back at me, shrugging.
"maybe he's upset over what happen-"
i cut him off, "look, i don't know what the fuck you or valentino did to angel to make him react like this, but you're sick fucks. get out." i say, sternly.
"husker, can't you just consider the offer? it's not about angel it's-"
"get.. the fuck out vox."
and with that, he stands up and walks out. i don't care about the customers right now, i quickly walk to angel's room.
i knock on his door.. he doesn't answer but i can hear muffled crying.
"angel.. what happened? why did you run away? please.. talk to me."
i don't know why i'm being so soft or acting so worried.. everything is so confusing right now.
i slide down his door, sitting on the ground.
i hear him say something to me quietly,
"i saw him.. did ya not?"
"saw.. who? val?"
he winces, and talks to me again, "y-yea.."
"angel.. if i knew for a second that that would happen, i would have never let him in, i just.. i needed to know it wasn't involving you and.. god, i'm stupid, huh? i didn't mean to..do that i just.."
my words trail off, i don't know what to say, i just know i fucked up.
"husk,, it's fine, ya didn't know.." he says, between sniffles.
"it's not and.. i wanted to help you get past this but instead i let a fucking vee in."
he opens the door, and i almost fall over.
i stand up, hugging him.
he speaks quietly, i can barely understand him, "i think there's somethin wrong with me, husk.."
i let go of him,
"nothing is wrong with you.. you were put in a terrible situation,, it's my fault that this happened."
"it's not.. please stop blamin yourself.. ya didn't know.."
we stand in silence, and he sits back on his bed. i see that his pillow is stained with the same mascara that's been running down his face.
i feel awful.. i hate that i did this,, i think he sees that i'm upset, because he quickly hugs me.
"i was scared, husk.. but i have you. and none of it was ya fault.. please stop feelin guilty."
i let him hug me, and i hug him back.
"i fucking hate him.", i blurt out.
"me fuckin too, husk."
he lays down, and i lay down next to him. fuck it, the security guards can take care of the casino, i'm done with this shit today,, i just want angel to be okay.
we lay there, looking at angel's ceiling. i feel him curl up next to me. at this point, i'm used to it, and i'm not gonna tell him off now..
(alrighty gng that was another angst chapter haha, i tried to include more husk angst this time per request, but i think i might do a full thing dedicated to it in future chapters. anyways, i guess i wanted to write smth about how trauma can appear anywhere,, like anything that reminds u of it. if u guys can't tell, angel is lowkey becoming me n this so i'll try to stop doing that HAHA- but yup,, that's all for now, i'm gonna work on doing more romance (nd maybe smut?THAT'LL BE WAYYY IN THE FUTURE THO.) chapters, haha, not just fluff nd angst. but uh yea,, sorry if this lowkey sucked btw, its 3 am when i finished this, nd ive been in the car all day so i'm tired ASFFF,, but i'll try 2 fix sum stuff tmrw.)

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