(🎰)[next morning.]

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IM SORRY IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO WRITE THIS!! ive been hella busy with school but UHMM okay this is really random but im going to a con this weekend nd I GET TO SEE JOEL, BLAKE, ERIKA, KRYSTINA, AND AMIR (hazbin vas) nd me and my bsf r gna cosplay angel and cherry :3 RAHHHHH (sorry im really effing excited 😭)
i woke up, and he was still next to me,, his legs were on top of me, great. i looked down at him, he still had on the makeup that ran down his face last night, i gently use my thumb to wipe it away.
and with that, his eyes flutter open. ..fuuuck.
"whacha doin, huskyy~?" he asks, in his usual fake flirty voice.
"i was helping you not stain your sheets with the makeup you forgot to take off last night." i scoff, "i was doing a favor, don't be weird about it."
"mhm, sure thing.. you didn't have to do that anyways, my sheets have been stained with worse~" he grins and looks up at me.
i know that was supposed to be innuendo, but knowing what i do now, its kind of sinister.
i don't bother replying, and get up, stretching as i do. i notice i smell like alcohol.. but that's pretty normal at this point.
i walk out of his room, and walk over to the bar. in the bar, there's a small kitchen, i don't cook often, but for angel, i thought i would.
i thought he was still in bed, but i feel two pairs of arms wrap around me.
"..angel." i say, sternly, hoping he'll take the damn hint.
"sorry, sorry~" he says, stepping away from me. "whacha cookin?"
"eggs.", i reply. honestly, i'm surprisingly good at cooking i just never have the motivation to.
as i cook the eggs, angel watches. i notice he's not watching my cooking, though. he's watching me. sometimes i wish he didn't do stuff like that, it makes me feel vulnerable.
when i finish cooking i set it down on the bar, and he eats it. we kinda just eat in silence, there's nothing to say.. well also because the conversation we had last night is lingering between us.
when we finish eating, i look at him again. god, whyy does he look at me like that? does he suddenly trust me? he's fucking confusing.
"i'm gonna get dressed and i'd advise you do the same, we open in an hour but i think you know that by now."
"awee can i come?~" he said, leaning over the bar and puffing out his chest.
"yea, you wish." i scoff, jokingly, and get up to leave, ...but he stops me.
"husk, wait." he says, his voice is more serious than before.
i turn around, "what, angel?"
"please.. don't see me differently after.. ya know. i'd be really upset if ya give me pity now.. i just.. i'd feel guilty, and-"
i interrupt him, because i know he'll just keep rambling.
"angel, it's okay. i.. don't see you as anything else but my employee who i also happen to be sort of close with.. that is all it's ever been. now.. get dressed."
i thought that would help him.. i mean he smiled at me but his eyes showed sadness. did i fuck up again? i mean, really, we aren't like.. friends.. well i mean i guess we are? i don't fucking know anymore.
"thanks, husk." he says, in a quiet voice, and gets up.
we both leave to get dressed, he obviously took longer than i did, and we watch as people come in.
i watch as he flirts with every guy in the entire damn establishment even after that whole fiasco last time, which i've been too lazy to clean up. i might just pay someone to do it, don't know yet.
i know deep down there's a hint of anger.. no.. jealousy? nah, that's not it is it..? there's a hint of SOMETHING deep down that i feel whenever he flirts with them. they don't fucking care about him.. surely he knows that? it always baffled me that he was just okay with that.. well i mean now i know he isn't. but then why-
someone walked over to me and snapped me out of my thoughts. it was an security guard of mine.
"husker, sir, someone's here to see you."
"tell em to leave, i don't have time for this shit right now, i have broken slot machines to fix."
obviously i'm not gonna fix those myself, i'm a lazy prick. but i don't want to talk to whatever douche is waiting for me.
"it's a vee, sir."
(OoooOOOoo cliffhangerr!! anyways sorry if this is short? it's more of a filler but also CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT WOOHOO!!!)

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