(🕸️🩷/🎰)[a talk.]

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sorry i haven't been updating!! been hella busy w school🫡 anyways i had a pretty shitty day 2day so why not write some angst !!😸
(tw for mentions of s/a and abuse.)
i walk over to the bar, and sure enough, i find him. he's drinking, and he looks up at me. there's a moment of silence before i speak, sarcastically, to lighten the mood.
"well.. how do i look? i like your gift, husk.. i-if it's from you, of course.."
"uhm.. yea it was. look, i'm uh.. i'm sorry if that's weird of me.."
"pfft- you should've seen what.." uhm..i really don't want to think about him. i quickly change the subject, and of course he takes note of it. "nevermind that.., listen husk.. i'm sorry about earlier."
"angel.." he lets out a long sigh before looking down and up at me again. "it's fine.. i'm uh.. sorry i yelled at ya."
"it's fine!!~" i quickly walk over to him, glad he's forgiven me. or at least.. i think he has? i can't.. honestly tell.
i sit down next to him, getting closer.
he lets out a low growl. (GUYS DONT COME FOR ME I MEANT IN THE CAT WAY, LIKE HOW THE SHOW PORTRAYS IT NOT LIKE THE ALHPA WOLF WAY.💔) "..angel." he says, sternly.
"whaaat?~ doncha think since ya got me a gift you deserve some.. kindness.. in return?~"
shit, maybe i should not tease with him.. he looks angry again.. fuck.
i expect him to say somethin rude but he just stares at me.. maybe he's drunk?
he speaks quietly, "angel.. what's.. your opinion?"
"uhm.. ya gotta be more specific, tuts, on what?"
"on.. this? god, it.. feels like i never know what the real you is thinking.. it's always just some flirtatious fucking comment."
i look at him for a moment, how.. do i respond to that? he.. knows about that?
"i.. uh.. i like it here, hun!!~" i laugh softly, trying to sound as lighthearted as possible, he doesn't buy it.
"angel.. just this once.. can ya be real with me?"
i'm silent, for a long time.. before speaking again.
"i.. uhm.. i don't.. know.. husk.. i-"
the real me.. was finally starting to show. i thought about husk, he was the first guy to actually not ask me for my body within two seconds of meeting him..
it was.. nice? sure, he owned my soul, and that wasn't really ideal but at least he was nicer than val?
just then, i thought about val. ..and all the disgusting memories hit me like a train. val's hands.. on me.. having to do things i never wanted to with people he had never met..
i slowly hugged myself, quivering.. and husk's eye's widened.
"i.. just don't want.. you to be like.. like val..", i spoke again, in a weaker voice than before.
i had realized what i said, because val's name snapped me out of it. ..shit.. did i really just say that?
i looked at husk, he was looking back at me.. shocked? kinda made me realize how unserious i am with him.
he looked at me, with a cold look in his eyes.
"i.. am not that bastard."
before even planning what i was gonna say, i just blurt something out.
"how do i know that? you quite literally took my soul so your damn casino's could cash in more customers."
"i know, i know i did that. and i know, i can be an asshole sometimes but angel.. i uhm.. as much as i hate myself for admitting this, i do care about you.. and i feel bad.. for everything."
i look away, it's almost physically impossible for me to take that into consideration.
"angel.. look at me, please?"
husk.. wasn't being himself. maybe it was the alcohol but his voice was softer and his demeanor seemed less strict.
i reluctantly look up at him.
"you act like.. like i'm gonna hurt you. why.." he paused to think, "what happened to you that made you so.. afraid of me?"
i look away again, i can't help it this time, two tears roll down my face.
i though about everything in that moment, everything i had been through. i started to cry.. fuck, was this embarrassing.. i hate crying in front of people, let alone someone who owns me.
as he cried, his makeup ran, and smudged. he had.. scars? on his face.. what the fuck happened to you, angel? he's almost never like this with me, but to be fair i'm never like this with him, either..
"angel..", i spoke quietly. i wanted to hug him.. but i didn't want him to think anything of it.
he talked to me, though tears, "you can see shit on my face right now, huh? don't lie, husk, i know it's there.. he made me cover it up."
he started to laugh, and wiped away his tears.
"i didn't want you.. to know any of this shit." he spoke, his emotions were changing so quickly.
"see, that's the thing," , i started, "you never talk about val. you'd think you would, but you just.. ignore it?"
"well.. there's nothin really to talk about."
"mhm.. if you're not ready to talk yet, i'll wait.." i gave him a half smile as he looked lost in thought.
there was a long pause between us, we just sat there. i drank from the third whiskey bottle i had had tonight a few times, and he just sat there.
that's when he spoke again, "well.. he used to make me 'work for hours on end.'"
my ears perked up. holy shit, angel fucking dust was about to open up to me? i didn't dare interrupt him.
"yea.. hah.. he used to uh.. act all sweet n shit to me when he wanted somethin, but you could tell he was fed with with me, because he'd always take it out on me.. physically. weather it be .. sexual.. or pain. it didn't fucking matter to em."
..what.. the hell?
"he would give me these random clients, not even warn me about em...."
that night, he went on and on. and i just listened. it finally ended about two or so hours later when he wanted to stop, suddenly.
"he uh.. he really is a monster, huh?"
"hah.. you have no.. fucking idea, husk."
after speaking, he looked lost in thought again.
"i.. think i'm gonna go to bed, whiskers."
well.. that was sudden. i.. didn't know what to say but.. a part of me didn't want him to leave.
"wait.. angel.. let me.. come with you."
"hah, sorry tuts, not in the mood anymore~"
after all that, he still only thought i wanted to sleep with him..
"no, angel.. please. you don't seem in the right headspace right now, just.. i-i'll sleep on the floor if ya want?"
he laughed, "no, husk.. you can sleep in my bed if ya want to sooo bad..~ but uh.. please don't.. try anything.. w-while i'm sleepin."
"angel, please.."
"alright, alright!"
i walked around the bar and took his hand, yes, i was a bit tipsy, but when you're like this almost every goddamn day, you start to be able to manage it.
he takes me to his room and flops down on his bed. it.. feels awkward at first but i know he needed me.. and as much as i would like him to know that i'm NOT attached, i'm just worried, it still feels nice..
that's when i feel his arms wrap around me.. i freeze, but he doesn't do anything other than that.. and after a while.. it feels nice.
he lays his head right below mine.. i.. can feel him. this.. is nice, i guess.
(WOOPIE!! i hope u guys enjoyed that, because it took FOR FUCKING EVER TO WRITE. but it was worth ittt!! i'll make sure there's fluff next chapter, dw<3 also, i took half of the angst idea from a c.ai rp i did, haha🤫🤫)

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