Mangey paint Y/n

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A/n: There is no context here. Just Mangey painting our body. It's all fluffy~!

You admire his work curiously as Mangey gathered some cherry, turning it into a red paint in his carved stone by scrunching it with another stone.

He dipped his fingers into the red paint and gently took your face in his hands. He began to apply the red paint with such care and precision that it felt like a gentle caress. You couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in your stomach.

The moonlight danced through the trees, casting a soft glow over Mangey's amber fur as he worked. His touch was gentle and his gaze tender.

He applied some near and above your eyes, some on your cheeks, and then on your lips. When Mangey's eyes found yours, you suppressed a feeling.

He looked away from your captivating eyes and continued full focus on his work. He applied the paint with gentle strokes.

His hands traveled down your neck and collarbones, leaving a trail of red color in its wake. When he reached your bare chest and down to your belly button, you held your breath, feeling the heat of his touch against your skin.

His handprint on your skin felt like a brand, marking you as his in a way that words never could.

He continued to paint delicate patterns on your bare arms.

As his strokes danced across your skin, you felt a rush of warmth washing over you. The velvety touch of the paint against your skin felt like a caress.

His hands moved with practiced ease, painting intricate designs on the backs of your hands.

With a tenderness that took your breath away, he slide his hands down your hips, painting your legs, and work his way down to your feet.

When he moved behind you and began to paint your back, you looked down at his job. He gently gathered your hair and threw it over your shoulder. He traced the contours of your spine, you felt a shiver run through you. You closed your eyes, lost in the sensation of his touch, feeling as though he was unveiling a part of your soul.

As he finished painting you, his hands lingered on your skin, his touch leaving a trail of fire in its wake.

When you open your eyes you find him gazing at you with a mix of admiration and delight. His eyes sparkled with a warmth that made your heart skip a beat, and you couldn't help but feel a rush of emotion wash over you.

He leaned in close, his breath warm against your skin, and gently brushed his lips against yours, tasting the remnants of cherry that lingered there. It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes of his affection for you.

As his fingers traced patterns on your skin, you could feel the intensity of his love pouring out of him. Every kiss, every caress was like a message written in the language of desire, telling you how much he adored you.

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