late night walks (+ what can happen on them )

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Joels pov

Joel was bored thats why hes on his phone
He was sitting on his window sill just scrolling and maybe it's not productive but he's not productive. He heard the footsteps pacing in the spare room and the screaming from the living room. He assumed they're fighting again. Well Joel wants to go out for a walk so he has 3 options : 1 stay inside because he does not want to deal with his parents again. 2 sneak out of his window, that one he liked but his window is on the second floor and he doesn't know how he's getting back up. Or 3 just go via the front door, now with this one he had a high chance of running into his parents. But he was willing to take that chance. So he grabbed the shoulder bag that hung from his door and threw his keys, some earbuds and his phone into it. Oh shit I have no food or drinks in my room, he realized. Then he opened the door and awkwardly shuffled to the stairs. His dog looked at him from their crate while he walked down the stairs. When he got to the living room for a drink to bring with he was met with them screaming at each other. His step father was definitely the most aggressive but his mother was drunk. again he thought, this was the 4th time this week. Luckily it was a Friday so he would be out with his friends this weekend. Unfortunately, most of his friends have club meets or other things to do on fridays. Now you may ask what he is going to do outside then. Well he has a plan at least he thinks he does. He was snapped out of his thoughts by shattering glass next to him and screaming. But this time it was directed at him. " and why are you just standing there boy, being a burden just like always ".  He didn't mind the comments and just walked to the fridge. "I'm going out, " he said while stuffing a bottle of water into his bag. " you're not going anywhere until you have done your part in this household boy ". His stepdad screamed at him. " I don't know what you mean David, my room is clean, I did my chores and my homework is done soo '' Joel snapped back at him. He slowly stepped to the front door while looking his parents in the eyes, opened the door, saluted, took a step out and shut it in their faces with a loud bang. He exhaled, it was a handful dealing with them sometimes but at least for a little while he was out. Joel knew exactly where he was going. He knows this town like the back of his hand so it will be easy. After a while of walking he came to a halt at the entrance of a playground. Now Joel is 16 but it's still a good hang out spot if you want to be alone for a while, normally. But today was different, He wasn't alone. There was a tall boy that looked to be around his age sitting on the old swing set. Joel had seen him around the neighborhood before. He had white hair and Joel thinks he’s heard his name sometime in the past. The boy looked over to Joel and waved, lightly nodding to the other swing for Joel to sit down with him. He sat down on the blue rusty seat. It was silent for a while, awkwardness in the air asThey sat in silence. Until the guy reached into his bag and pulled out an altoid wallet, after he opened it the sight of cigarettes revealed itself. He picked one out and offered it to the brunette. Joel looked in his eyes and mumbled, " I've never smoked before. " oh… that's ok i can show you how to if you want ? He said although it sounded more like a question.  " I'd really like that " he said shyly, then added " my name's Joel by the way ". " im etho " the white haired boy spoke softly. And he doesn't know why but Joel melted at that. He eyed the cigarette in his hand and said " are you gonna teach me or no '' . Etho looked starstruck as he reacted by fumbling with a lighter, it was white ( just like ethos hair) and bedazzled. “He must have pulled it from his pocket,” he thought. . Etho lit the cig and handed it to him. “ Why is your lighter bedazzled??” Joel asked a questioning look on his face. “i just have some weird friends “ etho shrugged. It seemed Joel took that as a good enough answer. Joel pressed the cigarette to his lips and inhaled. Though he’s not used to the smoke and started coughing immediately. Etho exhaled in a sigh, and the brunette heard him say " now that's how you don't do it". etho giggeled. “How do you do it then?” he thought. " Here let me show you," he stated. It's like etho could read his thoughts. and further continued with " you inhale and don't let it hit your lungs immediately, ok ". He nodded and he smiled. Joel took another breath of smoke But this time he did what etho said. And to both boy’s surprise Joel didn't cough, yay. After a few seconds of the smoke gliding over his lungs the shorter breathed out. The gray smog makes beautiful swirls in the air. And yeah maybe it's bad but it's also his now. He saw etho take out another cig next to him. and he realized it's addicting. Not the cigarette but just sitting there and not being the perfect person, just not being ok. It was good enough for him, right now and he thinks it will be forever. However he is being snapped out of his haze by etho speaking up. “ What do you think? “ he asks. "It's great," Joel responds And it's true he loves it, he loves nights like these where he can not be ok. He looks etho in the eyes and says “ this may be a weird question “ he then follows up with“ do you have a discord??”, etho grabs his phone out of his cargo pants pocket. “ As a matter of fact yeah i do” he says “ why you want it “ he follows up smugly. “ Well yes I would very much appreciate that kind sir “ Joel mimics a stereotypical British accent. Etho laughs and clicks on the glowing icon, Joel stares and he thinks that this may just be the happiest he's been since lizzie moved away. “ can i get your phone for a sec so i can add you “ etho requested. “ Yeah, here you go, “ Joel said as he handed his  phone to etho, discord already opened. Etho added himself quickly, then held out the phone for Joel to take. He sent a hello to him. But then he noticed ethos username: kakashi ;) ( ethoslab ). “ What the hell is your user? “ he howled with laughter. "Like you have any right to talk'' etho complained “ your name is literally ‘bad boy original’."Joel looked at his phone and noticed the time. It read, 20:36. Oh shit it's half past 9 his curfew says he has to be home by 20:45. He has to go now if he wants to be on time, and not have a screaming match with them. Soo he said what any logical person would say. “ hey etho you wanna walk home with me ?? “. '' ummm yeah sure “ etho gave in. a kind smile on his face, it was a reflex Joel knew when he saw it. And so the weird duo consisting of the brunette and the snow haired males made their way through the winding streets of the small town they live in.


This is an older chapter that i wrote a while ago in preperation but i thought id just throw out here for yall to read. Updates are very slow because this fic is draining my motivation but il update where i can :> -moon

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