Strawberry flavoured smoke

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Etho likes to seem complicated but he's not complicated. Let's hear the explanation.

It's been a few days since he first talked with Joel and he couldn't shake the image of the troubled teen out of his head. He had known Joel before they met, I mean it was impossible not to, because the stories alone were enough of a repetition. The dude who went from a gifted kid to an underachiever. (although he's still gifted in some aspects).

Etho had seen him around his neighborhood before of course. But he hadn't expected to actually talk with the guy. And atlas he was able to watch the look on Joel's face go from upset to relaxed, and ok maybe etho was over observing but he found the kid intriguing. What's wrong with that ?  nothing, in his eyes, well maybe it's not good to hang around him too much he’l be a bad influence.

There was a buzz on ethos phone. And speak of the devil. it's Joel, what does he want ? He opens it with one image attached oh well that's kinda funny. It was a picture of a sad possum with the text “ live, laugh, toaster bath” in sans font. He softly chuckled at the image and sent a text saying lmao back.

Bad boy original
One Image attached

kakashi ;)

Bad boy original

Etho my friends made a grave mistake >:)

Etho had turned his phone off for a second so he could play minecraft when he felt it buzz again. And after that it didn't stop.

Bad boy original

Etho ?
Fine i'll just annoy you till you respond |:)

Etho fished his phone out of his pocket to see what Joel had texted him now.

kakashi ;)

What was the mistake

Bad boy original

Well you see they challenged me to steal this one kid scotts vape and yk he's addicted to it

Kakashi ;)

Oh no you didn't do it right ?

Bad boy original


Kakashi ;)

Right ?

Bad boy original

I went into the vape kids bathroom, snached his and ran.

Etho looked at his phone in realization he's talking about smajor he's in ethos history class but he doesnt know him that well so he asks if its him.

Kakashi ;)

Wait, are we talking about blue hair and pronouns scott major as in “that one kid scott” ??

Bad boy

Yeah, how do you know that ??

Kakashi ;)

Umm do you go to L.S  academy ?

Bad boy original

Uhh yeah obvi it's the closest to my house

That's when etho realized that he goes to the same school as joel, and it shouldn't be surprising but for some reason it is.

Kakashi ;)

My dude me too, how did not we realize this

Bad boy original

Lmao now i can bother you at break >:)

~Smallishbeans is calling you~

And upon seeing that etho picks up because what else was he to do, his game was a lost cause now.

“heyy” he hears Joel say when he first picks up. And etho decides he likes that tone on joel. for the first time in who knows how long he feels a warmth blooming in his chest. Urgg just from a simple hi really etho ? He thinks to himself before responding to joel. “ hi” etho forces it out, it sounds monotone but that's ok.

Joel moves out of frame for a second as he goes to grab something. Etho ofcourse waits patiently.  he comes back into frame with a blue vape in his hands “ is that scotts vape?” etho asks. Joel nods wildly and responds with “ who else's would it be?”. “uhh i don't know yours, do you even smoke? Etho mumbles aloud. “no i don't, etho you should know this my first cig was with you!” Joel gasps dramatically. “oh.. Uh yeah i kinda forgot about that” he responded “what flavor is it?”  he asked and when Joel lit up and shot a grin his way he knew he shouldn't have asked. “Well, it's strawberry ice, and you know how expensive those are,” Joel maliciously said to him. Etho smiled under his mask. He was sure there was a certain twinkle in his eyes, and after that things came a lot more naturally.

It didn't take long before etho was engrossed into their conversation. “yeah and that's why you don't leave Grian alone with a sharpie, he is an agent of chaos' 'Joel wheezed dramatically.
Bahahahaha etho burst out into a laughing fit, although it was a bit muffled by his mask.

And etho realized that maybe Joel isn't that bad of a kid.

Talking came so easily when it was Joel he was speaking to. They fell into a comfortable silence. He could hear Joel's parents shouting in the background. That's not good etho thought, he immediately assumed the worst but maybe he was wrong and they weren't fighting ?

He and Joel kept the conversation going. Both of them telling stories and getting to know each other more. Hell they both even showed some art they made, even though they used different mediums.

Etho was a writer at heart. Doesn't matter if he's writing letters, poetry or even books, he loves it. Etho also journals, he uses it to get his feelings out especially when he has no one to vent to. which says a lot about him. Who can blame him he's a romantic

Etho had learned a lot about Joel that night.
He was a cool guy. Caring and compassionate, not willing to show weakness, yet very ambitious.

In art forms Joel was the opposite of etho.

Joel is an artist, and it doesn't matter if it's pen to paper or paintbrush to canvas. When he has a vision it gets brought to life. That's one of many talents, in ethos eyes. Joel makes art for how he sees the world, through his own little lense. That's what makes him as intricate as his artworks.

They both went on for a while sharing their hobbies and art with each other.

After some time a female voice called out over on the other side of the call. before Joel screamed back, “yeah mum I'm coming to the table!” and when etho looked at the time he saw it was around six a reasonable time to eat. “ I have to go eat- bye etho” Joel proclaimed, and etho shot him a look before ending the call.

Tonight was a good night for them, even if Joel had to leave. Etho was stil smiling 5 minutes later while he made himself some good noodle’s. This may not be the best life but he’l make it work.

Hello people its me moon back with a new chapter. I hope yall like it i spent some time writing it. As always it may take some time to get the next chapter out. Sooo with that out the way i hope yall have a great day, eat food drink water and go to sleep ya gremlins <3 -moon

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